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Late in 1985, Tully got her big break. Assigned to do a live broadcast from Beacon Hill, she was surprised by the flurry of nerves that made her fingers tremble and her voice break, but when it was over, she felt invincible.
She'd been good. Maybe even amazing.
"Pull over at that 7-Eleven," Johnny said from the back of the van. "I'm thirsty. Mutt, jump out and get a few establishing shots while we're here. It's your turn to make the drink dash, Tully."
Now she sat upright in the passenger seat of the live truck, a van specifically designed for the technical requirements of a live broadcast, bouncing slightly with enthusiasm. When she closed her eyes, she relived every second of it: the way she'd pushed into the front of the crowd and asked her questions, her flawless wrap-up at the end, shot in front of the well-lit bank, with the red and yellow police lights cutting through the darkening night. Afterward, it had taken forever to load up all the gear and get back on the road, but she didn't care. The longer this night lasted, the better. She hadn't even taken off her earpiece, battery pack, wireless microphone, or walkie-talkie. They were badges of honor.
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"Hey, look," she said, talking into the walkie-talkie, "they have Geritol. You need some, Johnny?"
Inside the brightly lit store, she looked around for the cooler case, found it, and walked down the medicine aisle.
She pulled the walkie-talkie off her belt, switched it on, and said, "You say that to me every time. I'm not an idiot."
She fumbled for the volume on the walkie-talkie and switched it off before the robber heard something. She clipped it to her belt and pulled her jacket over it, hiding her battery pack at the same time.
"Smartass," he answered in her earpiece.
Laughing, she reached for the cooler case's handle when she noticed a shadow move across the glass. Turning, she saw a man in a gray ski mask point a gun at the cashier.
When they parked, Tully collected their money, then got out of the van and headed for the brightly lit mini-mart.
"None of that New Coke for me," Johnny said into her earpiece.
"Are you talking about me?" Johnny said. "Because it's about time --"
"Oh, my God."
Mutt drove into the parking lot. "Cool."
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"You! Get on the floor." The masked man pointed his gun at the ceiling and pulled the trigger to make his point.
In her earpiece, she heard Johnny say, "Holy shit. Mutt, call 911 and then start shooting. Tully, keep calm and get the hell to the floor. We can go live with this. Turn on your mic. I'm getting hold of the station. They're on air now. Stan, can you hear me?"
"Tully? What the hell is going on?" came Johnny's voice through the earpiece.
A few seconds later, Johnny said, "Okay, Tully. We're putting this through to Mike. He's on air now with the ten o'clock news. Your audio is going on live. You won't be able to hear him, but he'll hear you."
At the register, the robber swung to face her.
Tully fumbled with the earpiece cord, trying to conceal it under her jacket. Then she turned up the volume on the walkie-talkie's outgoing message, hoping like hell Johnny would be able to pick up some sound. "Someone's robbing the store," she whispered as loudly as she dared, depressing the outgoing button.
Tully turned on her mic, whispered into it, "I don't know, Johnny. How do --"
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The masked man must have heard something; he suddenly swung toward her again, pointing his gun at her. "I told you to get down, damn it."
She just had time to process "I've had enough o' this shit" when he pulled the trigger.
"Your mic is hot, Tully," he said urgently. "You're on live. Go."
There was a loud crack of sound. Tully barely had time to scream before the bullet hit her in the shoulder and knocked her off her feet. She crashed into the shelves beside her, was vaguely aware of colored boxes crumbling and falling around her. Her head hit the linoleum floor hard.
It was Johnny's voice, in her ear. She eased slowly -- slowly -- onto her side. Her shoulder throbbed with pain, but she gritted her teeth and kept moving. Keeping low, she crawled to the end of the aisle, ripped open a box of Kotex, and shoved a pad over her wound, holding it in place. The pressure hurt like hell and made her dizzy.
For a moment, she lay there, gasping, staring up at a wiggling snake of fluorescent lighting.
"Tully? What happened? Talk to me. Are you okay?"
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"Thank God," Johnny said. "You want to turn off your mic?"
"I'm here," she said. "I just put… a dressing on my wound. I think I'm fine."
"Okay. You're live, remember? Keep talking. They can't hear me, but they can hear you. This is your big break, kiddo, and I'm right here to help you. Can you describe the scene?"
She heard a noise; it sounded like crying. Keeping low, she came around the corner and found a little boy, huddled against the neon candy aisle.
She got to a crouch, wincing at the pain, and moved forward slowly, trying to gauge when she could actually look up. "Moments ago, a masked man came into this mini-mart on Beacon Hill, wielding a handgun and demanding money from the clerk. He fired once into the air to make his point and once into me." Her voice was as loud a whisper as she dared.
"No way."
"Hey," she said, holding out her hand. He took it greedily, squeezing so tightly she couldn't pull away. "Who are you?"
"Gabe. I'm here with my grandpa. Did you see that guy shoot his gun?"
"I did. I'm going to go find your grandpa to make sure he's okay. You stay here. What's your last name, Gabe, and how old are you?"
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"Okay, Gabe Linklater. You stay low and keep quiet. No more crying, okay? Be a big boy."
She tucked her chin toward her chest and talked quietly into the mic. She wasn't sure what the station could hear, but she just kept talking. "I found seven-year-old Gabe Linklater in the candy aisle. He came in with his grandfather, who I'm looking for now. I can hear the gunman over at the register, threatening the cashier. Tell the police there's only one robber." She turned the corner.
"Linklater. I'm gonna be seven in July."
"I'll try."
"Is he okay?"
"The robber drove up in a blue car. I saw him through the window." He looked at her shoulder. "Maybe you should --"
There she found an old man, sitting cross-legged on the floor, holding a box of Purina Dog Chow. "Are you Gabe's grandfather?" she whispered.
"A little scared, but fine. He's in the candy aisle. What did you see?"
"I'm going to move in closer." She compressed the pad against her wound again, winced at the pain, and waited for the nausea to pass. This time, her hand came away bloody. Ignoring it, she reported in again to the anchor she couldn't hear. "Apparently, Mike, the lone gunman arrived in a blue car, which should be parked outside in front of one of the windows. I'm happy to say that Gabe's grandfather is also alive and unharmed. Now I'm working my way toward the register. I can hear the gunman yelling that there has to be more money and the cashier saying that he can't open the safe. I can see the flash of lights outside. So the police have arrived. They're shining the lights into the store, telling him to come out with his hands up." She scuttled out in the open for just a second and then crouched behind a life-sized standee of Mary Lou Retton eating Wheaties. "Tell the police he's taken off his mask, Mike. He's blond-haired, with a snake tattoo that wraps around his neck. The gunman is extremely agitated. He's screaming obscenities and waving his gun around. I think --"
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She eased around the standee and moved slowly forward. She was near the cereal aisle now, and for a split second she thought about Saturday morning breakfasts at the Mularkeys'. Mrs. M. used to let her have Quisp. Only on the weekends, though.
Another gunshot rang out. Glass shattered. Seconds later a SWAT team stormed through the glass doors.
"I'm okay." She stood up slowly, feeling a wave of pain and nausea at the movement. She saw the live truck through the broken window. Mutt was there with the camera, shooting all of it, but she couldn't see Johnny. "Seattle SWAT has just shot the glass out of the window and come in. They have the robber on the ground. I'll see if I can get close enough to ask them some questions."
"Tully!" It was Johnny, calling out for her.
That was her last conscious thought before she passed out.
The drive to the hospital seemed to last forever. All the way there, through the stop-and-go city traffic, Kate sat in the backseat of the smelly cab and prayed that Tully would be okay. Finally, at just past eleven o'clock, they pulled up out front. She paid the driver and ran into the brightly lit lobby.
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"A man shot her in the shoulder and she kept on broadcasting. You should have seen her, Mularkey, she was brilliant. Fearless."
She ran to him. "I saw the news. What happened?"
Johnny and Mutt were already there, slumped in uncomfortable plastic chairs, looking haggard. At her entrance, Johnny stood.
He looked startled by her outburst. "She's in surgery. She --"
Kate heard the admiration in his voice, saw it in his eyes. Any other time it might have wounded her, that obvious pride; now it pissed her off. "That's why you're in love with her, isn't it? Because she has the guts you don't. So you put her in harm's way and get her shot and you're proud of her passion." Her shaking voice drew the last word out like a piece of poisoned taffy. "Screw the heroics. I wasn't talking about the news. I was asking about her life. Have you even asked how she is?"
She heard Chad call out her name and she turned, seeing him run into the lobby. They came together as naturally as wind and rain, clinging to each other.
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"How is she?" he whispered against her ear, his voice as fragile as she felt.
She waited for him to respond, but he just remained there, glassy-eyed, his hands flexing into fists at his sides like a gunslinger who might soon have to draw his weapon. With a tired smile, she walked away. As she passed Johnny, she couldn't help but say, "That's how real people help each other through hard times."
"She's not as tough as she pretends to be. We both know that, don't we, Kate?"
She drew back. "In surgery. That's all I know. But she'll be fine. Bullets can't stop a storm."
She swallowed, nodded. In an awkward silence they stood together, bound by the invisible threads of their mutual concern. She saw it in his eyes, as clear as day; he did love Tully, and he was scared. "I better go call my mom and dad. They'll want to be here."
At the bank of pay phones, she put in four quarters and dialed home. When her dad answered -- thank God it wasn't her mother; Kate would have lost it then -- she gave him the news and hung up.
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She turned around and Johnny was there, waiting for her. "I'm sorry."
"You should be."
He didn't move, didn't even blink, but she could see how tense he was. He seemed to be holding on to his composure by a rapidly fraying thread. "You're tougher than you look, Mularkey."
"It's always about the story with people like you and Tully." She left him standing there and went to the sofa, where she sat down. Bowing her head, she prayed again.
After a moment she felt him come up beside her. When he didn't say anything, she looked up.
He sat down slowly beside her. "When did you get to know me so well?"
"It's a small office."
"Sometimes." She wanted to say that love gave her strength, especially during a time like this, but she was afraid to even say the word while she was looking at him.
"That's not it. No one else knows me like you do." He sighed and leaned back. "I did put her in danger."
"One of the things about this business, Katie, is that you learn to compartmentalize, to put the story first. It's a hazard of the trade."
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"She wouldn't have it any other way," she conceded. "We both know that."
"I know, but…"
When he let his sentence trail off, she looked at him. "Do you love her?"
She couldn't stand it. Now that she'd finally dared to ask the question, she wanted it answered. "Johnny?"
"You'll do anything to get attention, won't you?" Kate stood by the door, wearing a pair of baggy UW sweatpants and an old Greek Week T-shirt. As she approached the bed, tears filled her eyes. She wiped them away impatiently. "Damn. I swore I wouldn't cry."
He reached over for her, put an arm around her shoulder, and drew her to him. She sank into the comfort he offered. It felt as natural as breathing being beside him like this, though she knew how dangerous that feeling was.
He didn't respond at all, just sat there, leaning back, with his eyes closed.
Tully came awake slowly, taking stock of her surroundings: white acoustic-tile ceiling, bars of fluorescent lighting, silver rails on her bed, and a tray beside her.
There, saying nothing more, they sat together through the long, empty hours of the night. Waiting.
Memories trickled into her consciousness: Beacon Hill. The mini-mart. She remembered the gun being pointed at her. And the pain.
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"I'll try not to."
"Was I good?"
"Of course I'm here, you idiot. Everyone is here. Chad, Mutt, Mom, Dad. Johnny. He and my dad have been playing cards for hours and talking about the news. Mom has made at least two new afghans. We've been so worried."
Kate closed the distance between them. "Don't scare me like that again, okay?"
"Thank God you're here." Tully hit the button on her bed control until she was sitting up
"I wonder if 60 Minutes will want to interview me."
Before Kate could say anything, the door opened and Chad stood in the doorway, holding a pair of Styrofoam coffee cups. "She's awake," he said quietly, putting the cups down on the table beside him.
Kate laughed at that even as tears spilled down her cheeks. "That would be your first question. Johnny said you kicked Jessica Savitch's ass."
"She just opened her eyes. Of course, she's more interested in her chances of winning an Emmy than in her recovery." Kate looked down at her friend. "I'll leave you two alone for a minute."
"You won't leave, though?" Tully said.
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"Why would you lose me? I'm right here."
As soon as Kate was gone, Chad moved closer. "I thought I'd lost you."
"I'm fine," she said impatiently. "Did you see the broadcast? What do you think?"
"Of course I need you. Is Tennessee a top forty market?"
"I'll come back later, when everyone else has gone home."
"Marry me, Tully."
"Good," Tully said. "'Cause I need you."
"I got offered a job at Vanderbilt in Tennessee. I want you to come with me. You love me, Tully, even if you don't know it. And you need me."
She almost laughed, thinking it was a joke; then she saw the fear in his eyes. He really was afraid of losing her. "You mean it," she said, frowning.
"I think you're not fine, Tully," he said softly. "You're farther from fine than anyone I know, but I love you. And all night I've been thinking about what my life would be without you and I don't like what I see."
His rough face crumpled at that; his smile faded. "I love you," he said again, softly this time and without the kiss to seal the words and give them weight.
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Mrs. Mularkey just stroked her hair and let her cry.
"Hey, little girl," Mrs. Mularkey said.
"Don't worry about it. I think my time was up. Goodbye, Tully." He walked past her and left the room, letting the door bang shut behind him.
"I guess I was really scared."
"Shhh," Mrs. Mularkey said soothingly, drying her tears with a Kleenex. "Of course you were, but we're here now. You're not alone."
"Sorry to kick you out," Mrs. Mularkey said.
Chad bent down and kissed her. It was a beautiful, haunting kiss that somehow managed both to bring them together and highlight how far apart they could be. "I loved you, Tully," he whispered.
He turned away from the bed. "She's all yours, Margie."
The door behind him opened. Mrs. Mularkey stood there, arms akimbo, wearing a cheap jean skirt and a plaid blouse with a Peter Pan collar. She looked like an extra from Footloose. "The nurse said five more minutes with visitors and then they're throwing us all out."
Tully surprised herself by bursting into tears.
Loved? Had he said loved? As in past tense? "Chad --"
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Tully cried until the pressure in her chest eased and the tears dried up. Finally, feeling better, she wiped her eyes and tried to smile. "Okay. I'm ready for my lecture now."
Mrs. Mularkey gave her The Look. "Your professor, Tallulah?"
"Ex-professor. That's why I never told you. And you'd say he was too old for me."
"Do you love him?"
Overnight, Tully became a media sensation in Seattle. Newspaperman Emmett Watson took a break from ranting about the Californication of Washington State to write a column about courage under fire and how proud we should be of Tallulah Hart's commitment to the news. Radio station KJR dedicated a whole day of rock 'n' roll songs to the "news chick who used a microphone to stop a robbery," and even Almost Live, the local comedy show, aired a segment that made fun of the bumbling robber and showed Tully in a Wonder Woman outfit.
"How would I know?"
Tully stared up at Mrs. M. For once, she felt like the older of them, the one with more experience. The Mularkeys all saw love as a durable, reliable thing, easy to recognize. Tully might be young, but she knew they were wrong. Love could be more fragile than a sparrow's bone. But she wouldn't say it out loud. Instead, all she said was, "Maybe."
"You'd know."
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"So, you're the genius here. What do I do?" She sat up in bed, going through the pile of pink While You Were Out messages that Kate had brought with her from the office. It was an impressive list of names, but she was having trouble concentrating. Her arm hurt and the sling made even little tasks difficult. Worst of all, she couldn't stop thinking about Chad's out-of-left-field proposal. "I mean: Tennessee. I might as well be in Nebraska."
"How can I get to the top in a place like that? Or maybe that's exactly where I could get to the top fast and get noticed by the networks."
Flowers and balloons poured into her hospital room, many of them signed by people who normally made the news themselves. By Wednesday, she'd had to start donating the beautiful bouquets and arrangements to other patients. The nurses in charge of her learned how to be bodyguards and bouncers in addition to their normal jobs.
"For sure."
Kate sat at the other end of the bed, her legs stretched out alongside Tully's. "Look. We've been talking about this for, like, an hour. Maybe I'm not the best person to ask, but it seems to me that at some point you've got to at least mention love."
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The bedside phone rang. Still staring at her hand, she picked it up quickly, hoping it was Chad. "Hello?"
"Of course I remember you. KILO-TV. I sent you a résumé every week for my entire senior year of high school, and then I sent you tapes in college. How are you?"
Kate slid off the bed and stood next to Tully, mouthing: What's the buzz?
"Actually, that's why I'm calling. We're probably not the first station to call you, but we feel certain we'll make the best offer."
"I'm Fred Rorbach. You may remember me…"
"I'm fine, thanks, but I'm at KLUE-TV now, not KILO. I'm running the evening news."
"You said I was supposed to shoot you if you even thought about marriage before thirty." Kate grinned. "You want to amend that?"
Tully waved her off. "Tell me about it."
She sighed, disappointed. "This is she."
"Tallulah Hart?"
"Your mom said I'd know if I loved him." She looked down at her bare left hand, trying to imagine a diamond ring.
"Very funny."
He had her full attention now. "Oh, really?"
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"We want to do whatever it takes to make you part of the KLUE news family. When can you come in to talk to me about this?"
"Oh, my gosh," Kate said, jumping up and down. "You're going to be a star. I knew it. I can't wait to --" She stopped in the middle of her sentence; her smile fell.
"I'm being discharged right now. How about tomorrow? Ten A. M."
"We'll see you then."
Tully felt something twist deep inside her. She wanted to pretend there was something to think about, a decision to be made, but she knew the truth, and so did Kate.
"You're going to be a huge star," Kate said firmly. "He'll understand."
Tully hung up the phone and shrieked. "That was KLUE-TV. They want to hire me!"


