1963年11月9日 | 查令十字街84号
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All right, that's enough Chaucer-made-easy, it has the schoolroom smell of Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare.
I'm glad I read it. I liked reading about the nun who ate so dainty with her fingers she never dripped any grease on herself. I've never been able to make that claim and I use a fork. Wasn't anything else that intrigued me much, it's just stories, I don't like stories. Now if Geoffrey had kept a din)' and told me what it was like to be a little clerk in the palace of richard III THAT I'd learn Olde English for.
I just threw out a book somebody gave me, it was some slob's version of what it was like to live in the time of Oliver Cromwell-only the slob didn't live in the time of Oliver Cromwell so how the hell does he know what it was like? Anybody wants to know what it was like to live in the time of Oliver Cromwell can flop on the sofa with Milton on his pro side and Walton on his con, and they'll not only tell him what it was like, they'll take him there. "The reader will not credit that such things could be," Walton says somewhere or other, "but I was there and I saw it." that's for me, I'm a great lover of I-was-there books.
I enclose two bucks for the chaucer, that leaves me a credit with you of 65c which is a larger credit than I have anywhere else.


