
网络  动作; 行为; 诉权; 诉讼



  1. Public policies often alter the costs or benefits of private actio.
  2. Permanent Mechanism for Political Consultation and Concerted Political Actio
  3. All actio y the microcomputer PLC control, continuous automatic.
  4. Actio libera in cause is a special form of criminal act and its essence of being punished may be regarded as a exception of "the principle that actions and duties should exist simultaneously".
  5. Without some form of money in circulation, the range of goods and services available to us would be co iderably reduced and busine tra actio would be difficult to carry on.
  6. His actio have done little to quell the eculation.
  7. From now on, most criminal scholars advocate that "Actio libera in cause" shall be prescribed in penalty law, and this proposal come to be a current, which is embodied in the criminal theory, legislation and judicatory field.
  8. Actio libera in cause means that the persons who have capacity of full liability or limited liability get stuck in the state of limited capacity for duties or no capacity for duties intentionally or neglectfully and cause the emergence of a certain objective factor of criminal constitution.
  9. We think that the actio libera in cause could constitute intentional crime, false crime, and independent crime, and definite strict conditions it must have.
  10. Sixth, the legislation of actio libera in cause.
  11. Fifth, the criminal type of the actio libera in cause.
  12. The theory of "Actio libera in cause" originated in continental law system. However, it has been given many arguments since it came into China.
  13. In Actio libera in cause, the sequent behavior is not a behavior in criminal law, and there is direct causality between the causal behavior and the sequent behavior. The causal behavior should be considered as the executive conduct.
  14. In this part, the author pays attention to the subject offence, executive conduct, the main body and the object to be punished of actio libera in cause.
  15. The second part of this text analyzes properties of actio libera in causa be punished.
  16. Second, the summarization of actio libera in cause.
  17. Actio libera in cause is an important topic of criminal law theory in continental legal system all the time.
  18. The first part of the paper firstly defines the concept of actio libera in cause, then clarifies the relationship between actio libera in cause and crime by intoxicated person.
  19. In comparison with common crime Actio liberal in cause has many unique characters.
  20. There is no concept of "Actio libera in cause" in traditional theory of Chinese criminal law.
  21. Thirdly, the subjective and objective aspects of the actio libera in causa are analyzed.
  22. Meanwhile, in practical suits, the actio of every potential plaintiffs in public interest litigations should, to greatest possible, be protected. And guarantee the universality of plaintiff in the same rate of cases.
  23. Second, the definition of the actio libera in causa and its differences at home and abroad are observed to further make sure the research orientation.
  24. This part mainly discussed indirect Perpetrator, Omissions, Actio libera in cause, Co-Perpetrator and other special types of acts.
  25. The Actio Libera in Causa is a concept mainly used in Civil-law countries, especially in the criminal law of Germany, Japan.
  26. As the first stage of actio criminalis procedures, procedure of investigation is the footstone of actio criminalis which plays significant role in punishing criminals, protecting the innocent in order to perform the juridical purpose of actio criminalis.