Recorders are practising barristers who act as judges on a part-time basis. Article 13 An in-service functionary in a State organ shall not concurrently practice as a lawyer. 巡回刑事法院的兼职法官可以作为高级律师开业。第十三条国家机关的现职工作人员不得兼任执业律师。
The scheme assigns barristers and solicitors to advise defendants facing extradition and to represent persons who are at risk of criminal prosecution as a result of giving incriminating evidence in coroner's inquests. 当值律师计划又安排大律师和律师为面临引渡的被告提供法律意见;担任在死因研讯中作证而可能导致被刑事检控的人士的代表律师;
Let me share with you my work experience in the Chambers about work, life of Barristers and some knowledge of English legal system. 让我以在出庭律师事务所的实习体验和大家分享一下英国出庭律师的工作、生活和关于英国法律制度的点滴。
All the barristers in the relevant chambers seemed to be out. 有关事务所的所有律师似乎都出去了。
In England a solicitor is a lawyer whose practice is devoted largely to serving as a legal agent, representing clients in lower courts, and preparing cases for barristers to try in superior courts; 在英格兰,Solicitor是指其业务主要为充当法律代理的律师,在低级法院中代表委托人,在高级法院审理中作为出庭律师准备案卷。
The Legal Aid Panel is a list maintained by the Director of Legal Aid that consists of barristers and solicitors in private practice who are willing to undertake legal aid work. 法律援助署署长备有法律援助律师名册,内有所有愿意参与法律援助工作的私人执业大律师和律师。
Those engaged in the most effete of occupations, such as bond traders or barristers, are at pains to emphasise how arduous their jobs are. 那些从事最不费力气工作的人,比如债券交易员或出庭律师,不遗余力地强调自己的工作有多么辛苦。
International Latin Federation of Barristers and Lawyers 国际律师和法学家拉丁联合会
( Barristers in Hong Kong are some of the most highly paid in the world.) (香港律师的工资在全球也算得上最高的。)