
英 [ˈbɒdi] 美 [ˈbɑːdi]

n.  身体; 躯体; 躯干; 尸体; 死尸
vt.  赋予形体



Oxford 3000 / Collins.5 / BNC.274 / COCA.313



    人;动物 of person/animal

  1. 身体;躯体
    the whole physical structure of a human or an animal
    1. a human/female/male/naked body
      人 / 女性 / 男性 / 赤裸的身体
    2. parts of the body
    3. His whole body was trembling.
    4. body fat/weight/temperature/size/heat
  2. 躯干
    the main part of a body not including the head, or not including the head, arms and legs
    1. She had injuries to her head and body.
    2. He has a large body, but thin legs.
  3. 尸体;死尸
    the body of a dead person or animal
    1. a dead body
    2. The family of the missing girl has been called in by the police to identify the body.
  4. 主体 main part

  5. (尤指建筑、车辆或书、文章等的)主体,主要部分
    the main part of sth, especially a building, a vehicle or a book, an article, etc.
    1. the body of a plane (= the central part where the seats are)
    2. the main body of the text
  6. 集体 group of people

  7. 团体;社团;群体
    a group of people who work or act together, often for an official purpose, or who are connected in some other way
    1. a governing/a regulatory/an advisory/a review body
      管辖 / 监管 / 咨询 / 评审机构
    2. The governing body of the school is/are concerned about discipline.
    3. recognized professional bodies such as the Law Association
    4. An independent body has been set up to investigate the affair.
    5. A large body of people will be affected by the tax cuts.
    6. The protesters marched in a body (= all together) to the White House.
    7. a meeting of representatives of the student body and teaching staff
  8. 大量 large amount

  9. 大量;大批;大堆
    a large amount or collection of sth
    1. a vast body of evidence/information/research
      大量证据 / 信息 / 研究
    2. large bodies of water (= lakes or seas)
    3. There is a powerful body of opinion against the ruling.
  10. 物体 object

  11. 物体
    an object
    1. heavenly bodies (= stars, planets, etc.)
    2. an operation to remove a foreign body (= sth that would not usually be there) from a wound
  12. 饮料;头发 of drink/hair

  13. (酒的)浓香,香醇;(头发的)浓密
    the full strong flavour of alcoholic drinks or the thick healthy quality of sb's hair
    1. a wine with plenty of body
    2. Regular use of conditioner is supposed to give your hair more body.
  14. 有…躯体、浓郁味道等 -bodied

  15. 有…的身体(或浓郁味道等)的
    having the type of body mentioned
    1. full-bodied red wines
    2. soft-bodied insects
  16. 衣服 clothing

  17. 女紧身衣(通常扣于两腿间)
    a piece of clothing which fits tightly over a woman's upper body and bottom, usually fastening between the legs


    1. N-COUNT 身体;人体
      Your body is all your physical parts, including your head, arms, and legs.
      1. The largest organ in the body is the liver.
    2. N-COUNT 躯干(不包括头和四肢);躯体
      You can also refer to the main part of your body, except for your arms, head, and legs, as your body .
      1. Lying flat on the floor, twist your body on to one hip and cross your upper leg over your body.
    3. N-COUNT (人的)尸体
      You can refer to a person's dead body as a body .
      1. Officials said they had found no traces of violence on the body of the politician.
    4. N-COUNT 团体;机构;组织
      A body is an organized group of people who deal with something officially.
      1. ...the Chairman of the policemen's representative body, the Police Federation.
      2. ...the main trade union body, COSATU, Congress of South African Trade Unions.
    5. N-COUNT 一群;一批
      A body of people is a group of people who are together or who are connected in some way.
      1. ...that large body of people which teaches other people how to teach.
    6. N-SING (建筑物、文件等的)主体,主要部分
      The body of something such as a building or a document is the main part of it or the largest part of it.
      1. The main body of the church had been turned into a massive television studio...
      2. Give an introduction, followed by the body of the material, then a brief summary.
    7. N-COUNT (汽车或飞机的)车身,机身
      The body of a car or aeroplane is the main part of it, not including its engine, wheels, or wings.
      1. The only shade was under the body of the plane.
    8. N-COUNT 一片,一泓(水域)
      A body of water is a large area of water, such as a lake or a sea.
      1. It is probably the most polluted body of water in the world.
    9. N-COUNT 大量(信息)
      A body of information is a large amount of it.
      1. An increasing body of evidence suggests that all of us have cancer cells in our bodies at times during our lives.
    10. N-UNCOUNT (酒的)醇度,浓郁,劲儿
      If you say that an alcoholic drink has body, you mean that it has a full and strong flavour.
      1. ...a dry wine with good body.
    11. 同bodysuit
      A body is the same as a bodysuit .
      1. See also: foreign body heavenly body
      2. PHRASE (用于强调强烈反对)除非我死了,休想
        You can say over my dead body to emphasize that you feel very strongly that something should not happen, and that you will do everything you can to prevent it.
        1. 'We'll have her over for dinner.' — 'Over my dead body!'
      3. PHRASE 全身心地;全心全意
        You use body and soul to mean every part of you, including your mind and your emotions.
        1. He dedicated himself body and soul to the education of young men...
        2. She was now committed to the band, body and soul.
      4. PHRASE 维持生计;挣钱糊口
        If you keep body and soul together, you have enough money to provide what you need to live.
        1. He at first kept body and soul together by selling cartoons to the humorous papers.


      1. The largest organ in the body is the liver.
      2. Lying flat on the floor, twist your body on to one hip and cross your upper leg over your body.
      3. Officials said they had found no traces of violence on the body of the politician.
      4. The main body of the church had been turned into a massive television studio
      5. Give an introduction, followed by the body of the material, then a brief summary.
      6. The only shade was under the body of the plane.
      7. It is probably the most polluted body of water in the world.
      8. An increasing body of evidence suggests that all of us have cancer cells in our bodies at times during our lives.
      9. 'We'll have her over for dinner.' — 'Over my dead body!'
      10. He dedicated himself body and soul to the education of young men
      11. She was now committed to the band, body and soul.
      12. He at first kept body and soul together by selling cartoons to the humorous papers.
      13. The body is made up primarily of bone, muscle, and fat
      14. She tried to maneuver her body into a more comfortable position.
      15. He then dismembered her, hiding parts of her body in the cellar
      16. His body was embalmed.
      17. Excluding water, half of the body's weight is protein.
      18. In many bone transplants, bone can be taken from other parts of the patient's body
      19. He's made a formal identification of the body.
      20. Far from being separate, the mind and body form an indivisible whole.
      21. The body and the mind interrelate
      22. Relax, smile; loosen up in mind and body and behaviour
      23. These diets provide everything your body needs
      24. The risk and severity of sunburn depend on the body's natural skin colour
      25. His picture was superimposed on a muscular body
      26. All the cells and tissues in the body benefit from the increased intake of oxygen.
      27. Taken as a percentage of the whole, the mouth has to be a fairly minor body part.
      28. Pain is the body's way of telling us that something is wrong
      29. Doctors study the structure of the human body.
      30. Sea air is Nature's best tonic for mind and body.



        body and soul

      • 竭尽全力;全心全意
        with all your energy
        1. She committed herself body and soul to fighting for the cause.
      • keep body and soul together

      • 勉强糊口;生活拮据
        to stay alive with just enough of the food, clothing, etc. that you need
        1. They barely have enough money to keep body and soul together.
      • not have a … bone in your body

      • 毫无…的素质
        to have none of the quality mentioned
        1. She was honest and hard-working, and didn't have an unkind bone in her body.
      • over my dead body

      • (表示强烈反对)除非我死了,我死也不
        used to show you are strongly opposed to sth
        1. She moves into our home over my dead body.
      • sell your body

      • 出卖肉体;卖淫
        to have sex with sb in exchange for money



        1. the external structure of a vehicle
          1. the body of the car was badly rusted

        2. a resonating chamber in a musical instrument (as the body of a violin)

            Synonym:    soundbox

          1. the property of holding together and retaining its shape
            1. wool has more body than rayon
            2. when the dough has enough consistency it is ready to bake

            Synonym:    consistencyconsistenceeubstance

          2. the main mass of a thing

            1. the entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being)
              1. he felt as if his whole body were on fire

              Synonym:    organic structurephysical structure

            2. a natural object consisting of a dead animal or person
              1. they found the body in the lake

              Synonym:    dead body

            3. the body excluding the head and neck and limbs
              1. they moved their arms and legs and bodies

              Synonym:    torsotrunk

            4. the central message of a communication
              1. the body of the message was short

            5. a group of persons associated by some common tie or occupation and regarded as an entity
              1. the whole body filed out of the auditorium
              2. the student body
              3. administrative body

            6. a collection of particulars considered as a system
              1. a body of law
              2. a body of doctrine
              3. a body of precedents

            7. an individual 3-dimensional object that has mass and that is distinguishable from other objects
              1. heavenly body


            1. invest with or as with a body

                Synonym:    personify