
n.  标语,口号;流行语;口头禅



BNC.37280 / COCA.22608


  1. And I'm curious of the first time it was in a script, whether you knew it was gonna be a catchword or it just sort of evolved that way.
  2. To be clear, revolution is not a catchword for lots of new things or lots of change.
  3. Shan-beijing new catchword, which means leave, avoid and discard.
  4. "I want security", boat Guizhou company is with the person south this, the catchword that fathers to close quality casts the ground is phonic.
  5. Education changes the life the catchword that is us.
  6. The catchword of Olympic is important it is to participate in, not be a victory.
  7. As for specific marketing project, the publicity style, catchword and the quality of the products to be promoted must be in accordance with the specific situation of the target market.
  8. Hey, do you still remember our catchword?
  9. Pardonable also the catchword this year is particularly popular.
  10. "Catchword agriculture" can rest Gao Dengyuan spring answer the earth, everythings on earth anabiosises.
  11. Although few companies actually adopted the form of a "trust," the term rapidly became the catchword in public debate over the government's role in a time of such industrial concentration.
  12. He suddenly remembers the catchword.
  13. Glasnost has entered the international vocabulary as a catchword for a general liberalization of Soviet society ( Bill Keller)
  14. Intertextuality is a catchword in contemporary literary theories.
  15. Tourism destination theme catchword is the final conclusions for positioning research, which direct destination's marketing.
  16. Nowadays, the role of the network catchword is more and more important, from the official a series of attitude, we can get a glimpse into its ecological environment more relaxed, more advantageous to the survival of the network catchword.
  17. Third, according to the theory of the Communicative Linguistics and the gatekeeper of Communication, the elements of network catchword are summarized: the subject, object, media and gatekeeper.
  18. But contrast to the hot reality, few scholars study the network catchword which is based on news events, the few study more from linguistics, rhetoric, culturology.
  19. However, the author in this thesis will principally explore the inherent development mechanism of Chinese catchword memes to explain the phenomenon why some expressions win more popularity and are frequently used while others are not.
  20. The last part in this chapter comes the variation of Chinese catchword memes, where a right attitude towards Chinese catchwords is advanced.
  21. On the basis of a large amount of data collection and rearrangement by means of combinations of theory and practice, description and interpretation, and induction and deduction, the thesis will conduct a systematic research on network catchword memes from the perspective of memetics.
  22. Then, this paper define the network catchword and the analysis the types and characteristics of network catchword.
  23. Second, describe the Internet language and the network catchword.
  24. Fourth, it is the analysis the factors on the effect of network catchword.
  25. In this text as recent years network catchword for corpus object, using some of the basic theory of ecological linguistics, such as language idea of diversity, dynamic thought and the concept of the language environment to study it.
  26. This article bases upon the year network catchword which by China language net and Baidu and other search engines, and summarizes the language materials, from the perspective of communicative Linguistics to analyse network catchwords.
  27. In recent years, the study on the Internet catchword spreads in every field, such as communication, social psychology, linguistics, philosophical ethics and so on.
  28. The conclusion is that memetics acts as a theoretical guide in the process of replication and transmission of network catchword memes.
  29. There are the analysis of the background research of the network catchword and the summary point and understanding of the current study of the network catchword to make the meaning and purpose of this study.
  30. Although Chinese catchword is deeply rooted in the traditional Chinese language and culture, it also has its own characteristics.



  1. a word printed at the top of the page of a dictionary or other reference book to indicate the first or last item on that page

      Synonym:    guide wordguideword

    1. a favorite saying of a sect or political group

        Synonym:    mottosloganshibboleth