
英 [ˈkɒmplɪmentɪŋ] 美 [ˈkɑːmplɪmentɪŋ]

v.  赞美; 称赞; 钦佩


    The verb is pronounced /'kɒmplɪment/. The noun is pronounced /'kɒmplɪmənt/. 动词读作 /'kɒmplɪment/。名词读作 /'kɒmplɪmənt/。

  1. N-COUNT 赞美;恭维(话)
    A compliment is a polite remark that you say to someone to show that you like their appearance, appreciate their qualities, or approve of what they have done.
    1. You can do no harm by paying a woman compliments...
    2. 'Well done, Cassandra,' Crook said. She blushed, but accepted the compliment with good grace.
  2. VERB 赞美;恭维
    If you compliment someone, you pay them a compliment.
    1. They complimented me on the way I looked each time they saw me...
    2. Firstly I compliment you on most of your excellent Spring issue of 'Triangle'.
  3. N-COUNT 赞美;赞赏
    If you consider something that a person says or does as a compliment, it convinces you of your own good qualities, or that the person appreciates you.
    1. We consider it a compliment to be called 'conservative'...
    2. It's obvious he's worried about us and I'm taking it as a compliment.
  4. N-PLURAL 致谢;祝贺;致意
    You can refer to your compliments when you want to express thanks, good wishes, or respect to someone in a formal way.
    1. My compliments to the chef...
    2. Give my compliments to your lovely wife when you write home.
  5. PHRASE 回报;回敬
    If you say that someone returns the compliment, you mean that they do the same thing to someone else as that person has done to them.
    1. The actors have entertained us so splendidly during this weekend, I think it's time we returned the compliment.
  6. PHRASE (尤指赠送礼物或给予帮助时)…敬赠,请接受…的敬意
    If you say that you are giving someone something with your compliments, you are saying in a polite and fairly formal way that you are giving it to them, especially as a gift or a favour.
    1. Please give this to your boss with my compliments...
    2. On my bedside table awaited, with the compliments of the management, an appetizing breakfast.


  1. An interviewer may be saying that you're too skilled to be a strong candidate-or she may be complimenting your extensive experience.
  2. Douglas, himself, alluded to the Oscar generation gap in complimenting Hathaway on her looks.
  3. The easiest, quickest way to get someone to like you almost instantly is by complimenting them.
  4. From my fluent first impressions, people were complimenting me on how natural my Portuguese was, even though I had only greeted them, introduced myself and used a few ice breaking techniques.
  5. Complimenting the boss to the bosss friend.
  6. If you start following her, you aren't complimenting her, you are stalking her.
  7. Avoid complimenting a woman too much.
  8. The self-promoters those who spoke quickly and at length and used such ingratiation tactics as smiling, gesturing and complimenting others received far more positive evaluations than equally qualified applicants who used tactical modesty, the researchers reported.
  9. I liked having him nearby, opening doors for me, complimenting me, calling me darling.
  10. When my boyfriend comes home and displaces his work anger by yelling at me, he invariably tries to undo the injustice later by complimenting me or making dinner on his own.
  11. I was just complimenting Robert on his wonderful food.
  12. This is the lady you should be complimenting.
  13. In what joyless, parallel universe is complimenting someone on their appearance a gender-specific remark?
  14. I made a comment to this member complimenting him on his record.
  15. Now the female MC is complimenting his smile, he's visibly squirming.
  16. Or you take the sucking-up route and make yourself charming by complimenting him and generally being chummy.
  17. Grandpa was celebrating his100th birthday, and everyone was complimenting him on how well he looked.
  18. Say to yourself," I have nice hands, or I have a good memory, etc. "by complimenting yourself on a regular basis, your selfconfidence will increase steadily.
  19. They are complimenting you.
  20. He is very good and that's why I am complimenting him.
  21. Remember, if he is not complimenting your efforts, is tending towards being abusive or is demeaning you, you can simply quit the job.
  22. Edgar, of course, is complimenting himself, saying his wife is very intelligent because she married him even though he doesn't have a lot of money.
  23. Chelsea would have won, Liverpool would not have been in Istanbul and no one would be complimenting me on my tactics.
  24. I'm afraid that if I am complimenting someone else you will think that I dislike you and that is not the case at all.
  25. Here are a few magazine articles complimenting our products.
  26. Brush her hair while complimenting her eyes and appearance.
  27. The show has received positive critical appreciation with critics complimenting her vocal clarity and fashion sense as well as her ability to pull off theatrics like a professional artist.
  28. Holmes: No doubt you think that you are complimenting me in comparing to Dupin.
  29. It's almost like you're complimenting me.
  30. We are all guilty of complimenting someone on a new dress or sari because they are so obviously proud of it.