
英 [kræmz] 美 [kræmz]

v.  把…塞进; 挤满; 塞满; (为应考)临时死记硬背


  1. VERB 把…塞进;使塞满
    If you cram things or people into a container or place, you put them into it, although there is hardly enough room for them.
    1. While nobody was looking, she squashed her school hat and crammed it into a wastebasket...
    2. I crammed my bag full of swimsuits and T-shirts and caught the sleeper down to Beziers...
    3. She crammed her mouth with caviar.
  2. VERB 挤进;拥进
    If people cram into a place or vehicle or cram a place or vehicle, so many of them enter it at one time that it is completely full.
    1. We crammed into my car and set off...
    2. Friends and admirers crammed the chapel at the small Los Angeles cemetery where Monroe is buried.
  3. VERB (尤指匆忙地)戴上(帽子)
    If you cram a hat on, you put it on, especially in a hurry.
    1. I crammed on my cap again, helped the Duke up and tried to dust him off.
  4. VERB (为应考)临时死记硬背,填鸭式学习
    If you are cramming for an examination, you are learning as much as possible in a short time just before you take the examination.
    1. She was cramming for her Economics exam...


  1. Objective CRAMS score system and the TS trauma scoring system at the application of large sample of trauma compared with a view to select an appropriate scoring system at pre-hospital applications.
  2. Objective To study the CRAMS and NISS trauma score in the emergency department of nursing care.
  3. In history, any ruling class always crams its own political ideas into the society by various forms and ways, aiming at dominating people's ideas and realizing the ruling targets.