
英 [ˌəʊvəˈsteɪtɪŋ] 美 [ˌoʊvərˈsteɪtɪŋ]

v.  夸大; 夸张; 言过其实


  1. VERB 夸大;对…言过其实
    If you say that someone is overstating something, you mean they are describing it in a way that makes it seem more important or serious than it really is.
    1. The authors no doubt overstated their case with a view to catching the public's attention...
    2. The importance of health education cannot be overstated.


  1. Even if I'm overstating the case for nutrition, at least it will result in the woman being in charge of her own symptoms
  2. Seriously, I am not overstating how backward FASB has been on all of this.
  3. But a national network is overstating things.
  4. Delhi has no reason to exaggerate the numbers. By overstating growth, they risk their own credibility.
  5. Because State Grid has a monopoly on buying and selling electricity across most of the country, it is able to justify charging end users higher electricity prices by overstating its transmission and distribution costs, according to some analysts.
  6. Studies show that after drinking, men report feeling more powerful, often overstating their capabilities and accomplishments, while women say that it makes them feel more affectionate, sexy and feminine.
  7. But the chief executive of the information and media group needs to beware overstating the value of its ownership model.
  8. I hope you're not overstating, but I'm curious, can I see it?
  9. Last June, muddy waters, the US short selling group, accused the company of overstating its assets and using related-party transactions to defraud investors.
  10. The SEC alleged that Mr Egan misled regulators when his company applied in 2008 to be recognised as a rating agency for asset-backed and government debt by overstating his experience in the field.
  11. Carson block, the founder of research group muddy waters, accused Sino forest in a report of overstating its assets and diverting money through intermediaries to defraud investors.
  12. Over 90% agreed that the media does a terrible job of reporting the about toxic substances, mostly by overstating the risks.
  13. They slammed down hard on non-governmental organizations, too, for overstating risk.
  14. I may be overstating their answer, but I got that flavor from them.
  15. The shareholders seem to think that the executive board is overstating the case for a merger.
  16. The text of tourist material is rich in cultural connotations and overstating expressions etc.
  17. At last week's summit, Obama said Republicans were overstating the costs of medical malpractice, but suggested that some remedies might be pursued at the state level.
  18. Muddy waters first accused the forestry group in June of overstating its assets and revenues, causing shares of the Toronto-listed group to fall 80 per cent.
  19. That may be overstating the case.
  20. Exporters are also thought to be overstating their export revenues in order to dodge capital controls and bring in foreign money to invest in Chinese assets. If so, the trade surplus should stabilise in coming months.
  21. In accounting, "conservatism" means resolving uncertainty in a manner that minimizes the risk of overstating the company's current financial position.
  22. Sino Forest, the Chinese Forestry company plagued by accusations of overstating its assets, intends to file for bankruptcy and is to sue research group Muddy Waters for$ 4bn in damages over the claims of fraud that preceded its failure.
  23. In 2004, Royal Dutch Shell admitted to overstating its oil and gas reserves by 20 per cent.
  24. Science says: It's overstating this fruit's potency.
  25. Mr Charney has also made enemies among liberals, who accuse him of overstating his firm's progressive credentials.
  26. Bernanke was addressing the the Financial Services Committee in the House of Representatives, where some Republicans indicated they thought he was overstating the impact of a default.
  27. What's happening right now in the United States-is that the economy is collapsing-maybe that's overstating it.
  28. But Chinese officials have accused some foreign media of overstating problems with goods made in China.
  29. Lehman Brothers, for example, was accused by David Einhorn, the hedge fund manager, of overstating the value of its balance sheet in the lead-up to its collapse in 2008.