
英 [ˈsɪkə] 美 [ˈsɪkər]

adj.  (身体或精神)生病的,有病的; 想呕吐; 恶心; 晕船; 晕机; 晕车


  1. ADJ-GRADED (常指在生理上,有时也指在精神上)生病的,有病的
    If you are sick, you are ill. Sick usually means physically ill, but it can sometimes be used to mean mentally ill.
    1. He's very sick. He needs medication...
    2. She found herself with two small children, a sick husband, and no money...
    3. He was not evil, but he was sick.
    4. The sick are people who are sick.
    5. There were no doctors to treat the sick.
  2. ADJ-GRADED 呕吐的;恶心的;想吐的
    If you are sick, the food that you have eaten comes up from your stomach and out of your mouth. If you feel sick, you feel as if you are going to be sick.
    1. She got up and was sick in the handbasin...
    2. The very thought of food made him feel sick...
    3. Orange juice makes him sick so don't give it to him.
  3. 呕吐物
    Sick is vomit.
    1. ADJ-GRADED 厌倦的;厌烦的;厌恶的
      If you say that you are sick of something or sick and tired of it, you are emphasizing that you are very annoyed by it and want it to stop.
      1. I am sick and tired of hearing all these people moaning...
      2. Most people here are sick of violence.
    2. ADJ-GRADED (笑话、故事等)令人毛骨悚然的,病态的,不健康的
      If you describe something such as a joke or story as sick, you mean that it deals with death or suffering in an unpleasantly humorous way.
      1. ...a sick joke about a cat...
      2. That's really sick.
    3. The words ill and sick are very similar in meaning, but are used in slightly different ways. Ill is generally not used before a noun, and can be used in verbal expressions such as fall ill and be taken ill. He fell ill shortly before Christmas... One of the jury members was taken ill. Sick is often used before a noun. ...sick children. In British English, ill is a slightly more polite, less direct word than sick. Sick often suggests the actual physical feeling of being ill, for example nausea or vomiting. I spent the next 24 hours in bed, groaning and being sick. In American English, sick is often used where British people would say ill. Some people get hurt in accidents or get sick.
      ill 与 sick 意思相近,用法稍有差别。ill 通常不用在名词前,而用在动词词组中,如 fall ill (病倒),be taken ill (生病):He fell ill shortly before Christmas(临近圣诞节时他病倒了), One of the jury members was taken ill (一名陪审团成员病了)。sick 常用在名词前:sick children (生病的孩子)。英国英语中,ill 较 sick 稍显委婉。sick 常指生病时身体的实际感觉,例如感到恶心或呕吐:I spent the next 24 hours in bed, groaning and being sick (接下来的 24 小时我都躺在床上,呻吟着,感到一阵阵恶心)。英国人用ill的场合美国英语往往用sick:Some people get hurt in accidents or get sick (有些人在事故中受伤,或者患了病)。

    4. PHRASE 使气愤;使厌恶;使反感
      If you say that something or someone makes you sick, you mean that they make you feel angry or disgusted.
      1. It makes me sick that people commit offences and never get punished...
      2. The British press makes me sick.
    5. PHRASE 因病缺勤
      If you are off sick, you are not at work because you are ill.
      1. When we are off sick, we only receive half pay.
    6. PHRASE 十分担心;担心得要命
      If you say that you are worried sick, you are emphasizing that you are extremely worried.
      1. He was worried sick about what our mothers would say.


    1. But is he that much sicker this week than he was last week? Or last month?
    2. As she got sicker and sicker and Ivy was so wonderful and caring, I think she made herself believe and silenced all doubts in her brain, she continues.
    3. The wife got sicker and friends and neighbors came by to take turns sitting with her round the clock.
    4. They get sicker than people who let go and move on.
    5. And since personality traits are associated with health, altering those traits might make someone healthier or sicker.
    6. You want us to make her sicker?
    7. Every look he gives you, I get sicker and sicker.
    8. Particularly insidious, counterfeit medicines dupe sick people into believing they are taking something which will make them well, when it may instead make them sicker or even kill them.
    9. THE global economy is sicker than a man with a bellyful of bad oysters.
    10. Iris: my head hurts, and I'm really hot. I think I'm getting sicker.
    11. The heavier the burden of infection, the more likely the women were to deliver younger, sicker infants.
    12. But they did tend to feel sicker, they did tend to feel weaker.
    13. The time lag between the two types of sensors creates a mismatch that builds up in the brain and makes us gradually sicker, the researchers say.
    14. He's sicker than we thought.
    15. The only way to cure meis to make me sicker?
    16. Without them, we would be much sicker, much more frequently.
    17. Man is making the earth sicker and sicker.
    18. Whether rich or poor, many patients trustingly taking medicines may end up sicker or die.
    19. It's also possible, she said, that "people with history of coronary heart disease are sicker with respiratory symptoms just because they have coronary heart disease and not vice-versa."
    20. You'll be checking your own vital signs he gets any sicker.
    21. So is our species sicker than it has ever been? Or is our current lot far better than it used to be?
    22. Sicker and older patients are kept alive by respirators, heart pacers.
    23. It means he's getting sicker.
    24. The CDC described the cases of two California workers, a29-year-old man and a40-year-old woman, who became progressively sicker.
    25. All patients by doctor of ICU support for life and organ function; the lesions of abdominal infection, surgical intervention by non operation treatment effect is not ideal or sicker patients.
    26. SARS patients who are infected, appear the fever, myalgia and other systemic symptoms, there will be significantly higher of the blood glucose and lipid, resulting in causing the patients which have a history of the diabetes sicker and increased mortality.