
英 [ˈweɪdʒɪŋ] 美 [ˈweɪdʒɪŋ]

v.  开始,发动,进行,继续(战争、战斗等)


  1. N-COUNT 工资;工钱
    Someone's wages are the amount of money that is regularly paid to them for the work that they do.
    1. His wages have gone up...
    2. This may end efforts to set a minimum wage well above the poverty line.
  2. VERB 开展,发动(运动或战争)
    If a person, group, or country wages a campaign or a war, they start it and continue it over a period of time.
    1. ...the three factions that had been waging a civil war...
    2. They waged a price war.
  3. When used as a noun, pay is a general word which you can use to refer to the money you get from your employer for doing your job. Manual workers are paid wages, or a wage. The plural is more common than the singular, especially when you are talking about the actual cash that someone receives. Every week he handed all his wages in cash to his wife. Wages are usually paid, and quoted, as an hourly or a weekly sum. ...a starting wage of five dollars an hour. Professional people and office workers receive a salary, which is paid monthly. However, when talking about someone's salary, you usually give the annual figure. I'm paid a salary of £15,000 a year. Your income consists of all the money you receive from all sources, including your pay.
    pay 用作名词时,泛指从雇主处得到的工资或薪水。体力劳动者的工资通常用 wages 或 a wage表示,其中复数形式更为常见,尤其是表示实际拿到的现金时。例如,Every week he handed all his wages in cash to his wife (每周他都将自己领到的工资全部交给妻子)。wages 通常按小时或按周支付或计算:a starting wage of five dollars an hour (每小时5美元的起薪)。专业人士以及办公室职员的工资用 salary 表示,通常按月支付。但是在谈论某人的薪水时,通常用年薪来表示:I'm paid a salary of £ 15, 000 a year (我年薪为15, 000英镑)。 income 表示从各个来源获得的总收入,包括工资。


  1. The military government is waging a war of words against its supposed enemies. Foremost among these are the foreign media.
  2. The police are waging war against crime in the city.
  3. The two countries are waging an endless war.
  4. Airbus and Boeing are waging a brutal price war to access emerging markets and to roll out new aircraft.
  5. I have not wronged you, but you are doing me wrong by waging war against me.
  6. President Bush says Colombia is waging an aggressive campaign against terrorists who do not respect national sovereignty or borders.
  7. He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection and waging war against us.
  8. Get out of your inbox and get productive. Stop waging the email war.
  9. But the pro-government hackers have still been publicly waging cyber war against Assad regime opponents.
  10. Tencent is waging a multi-front war against Alibaba.
  11. We are waging two wars.
  12. The president is waging a campaign to win over organized labor.
  13. The right-wing press was waging a vendetta against the mayor.
  14. Many a tribe has survived by intermarrying with its rivals rather than waging war on them.
  15. I will not yield. I will not rest. I will not relent in waging this struggle for the freedom and security of the American people.
  16. Back in the 1930s, it was obvious who was waging a currency war.
  17. The government is now waging a public information campaign to encourage safe practices in the handling of poultry.
  18. For one country to accuse another of waging a currency war in 2013 is therefore absurd.
  19. WAGING a war against an enemy equipped as well as you are is a hard enough proposition.
  20. They preach peace while waging or preparing for war.
  21. They were outstanding in waging the battle against inflation.
  22. Waging two wars on a peacetime budget is rapidly wearing out vehicles and equipment.
  23. Similarly relations with revolutionary organisations waging national liberation struggle against imperialism and expansionism are also expanding along with the development of the people? S war in nepal.
  24. Overseas, he is best known for waging a legal battle against Danone, the French food group.
  25. We have been waging a desperate campaign against the drug pusher.
  26. The seeds of defeat for the Clinton campaign may have been planted as early as2002, when Senator Clinton voted in favor of waging war in Iraq.
  27. This is a common method of waging a denial of service attack.
  28. It would insist upon waging war, decisively and finally, against Japanese aggression.
  29. At that time it was called abyssinia, and its people were courageously waging a just war against the Italian Fascist aggressors.
  30. The waging of armed conflict against an enemy.