
英 [wæɡz] 美 [wæɡz]

v.  (狗)摇,摆动(尾巴); (狗尾巴)摇,摆动; 摇(头或手指,常表示不赞成); 逃学


  1. VERB 摇动,摇摆(尾巴)
    When a dog wags its tail, it repeatedly waves its tail from side to side.
    1. The dog was biting, growling and wagging its tail.
  2. VERB (通常指由于厌恶而)左右摇晃(手指)
    If you wag your finger, you shake it repeatedly and quickly from side to side, usually because you are annoyed with someone.
    1. He wagged a disapproving finger...
    2. She wagged a finger under his nose in a taunting gesture.
  3. VERB (常指因不高兴而)摇(头)
    If you wag your head, you move it from side to side, often because you are unhappy about a situation.
    1. He wags his head unhappily.
  4. N-COUNT 爱说笑的人;幽默的人
    A wag is someone who makes jokes.
    1. He's a bit of a wag, his dad...
    2. There was a moose head on the wall. Some wag had put a cigarette in its mouth.
  5. PHRASE 嚼舌头;议论纷纷
    If tongues are wagging, people are talking a lot about someone and their behaviour.
    1. What set tongues wagging was the age difference between the two partners.
  6. the tail is wagging the dog → see: tail


  1. He wags his head unhappily.
  2. 'Well, then,'the Cat went on,'you see, a dog growls when it's angry, and wags its tail when it's pleased.
  3. Points or wags his or her finger aggressively.
  4. He wags his finger disapprovingly as he extols his view of the state's role in business.
  5. Do not give a dog bread every time he wags his tail.
  6. Her high-borne turban'd head she wags, and rolls her darkling eye.
  7. China wags its finger over the perils of unregulated communications.
  8. Back in the early stages of the financial crisis, wags joked that our trade with China had turned out to be fair and balanced after all: They sold us poison toys and tainted seafood;
  9. He barks and cries at the same time, wags his tail so hard that he wipes up the garage floor with his fuzzy butt, and he tinkles.
  10. The importance of surface modification of solid has been illustrated by its applications in coating, printing ink, rubber, plastics, and in many other wags.
  11. Her tongue wags a bit too freely.
  12. During the2006 World Cup the press gave increasing coverage to the socialising and shopping activities of the English WAGs, who were based in the German town of Baden Baden.
  13. The Education of Starting a Business: The efficient wags to solve the problem of employment of the female university graduates
  14. The ass wags his ears.
  15. The current account tail wags the economic dog – this being a mirror image of what I think has happened in the US over the past decade.
  16. When It's happy, it wags its tail.
  17. Using the high functions of Delphi, the network technology is combined with the formwork for the evaluation process. The design ideas, the wags and schemes of the evaluation system for a teacher are given.
  18. By analyzing the soft ware junction between AutoCAD and advanced language, several wags of realizing parametrization drawing of standard pieces and pieces in common use in AutoCAD are discussed, gears being an example.
  19. The micro-fractural mechanism of WC base steel-bonded carbide has been discussed and the wags for improving fragile resistance and preventing premature break.
  20. There are other culture phenomena linked to white-collar consumption, such as conspicuous consumption etc, by which thinking wags are provided for guiding us to analyze the social consumption culture.
  21. This paper discusses technical problems on types of model base, function of model base management system, and structure of model base system etc. It puts forward tac-tics of model base system development, wags of model base development and principles of model construction.
  22. : In this paper, expounded the rate of emergence, Keeping emergence effects, Drought-resistant and increasing production with Huai breeding are better than ridge breeding through the analysis of comparison test results between ridge breeding and Huai breeding of corn cultivation wags in 2000.
  23. Taking an example of PDP-11 computer family, this article discusses the three wags to extend Chinese function, ie.
  24. This paper is on the basis of analysing the necessity of reallocating function of social security at present, and proposes the policy suggestion to perfect further the wags and means If reallocating the income in the system of social security.
  25. The management of construction cost runs through the whole construction pro-cers, and occurs in different units but design units are the key to control construction cost four wags to control construction cost in design units are given in this paper.