He was clever, well-read and interested in the arts. 他很聪明,博览群书,并且对艺术很感兴趣。
Society is hopelessly snobbish, and this fact of your extraction may make an appreciable difference to its acceptance of you as my wife, after I have made you the well-read woman that I mean to make you. 社会的势利是没有办法了,我要按照我的意思让你变成一个博学的女子,然后再做我的妻子就能被人接受了,你的德贝维尔后裔的身分也要变得大不一样了。
And a quarter said they pretend to be more well-read than they actually are. 有1/4的人表示自己会假装阅读广泛。
She is a well-read and cultured woman. 她是一个博览群书且有内涵的人。
Such a low reading rate is disturbing to leaders in a country that once chose its officials according to how well-read they were. 对于曾经根据博学程度来选拔官员的中国来说,如此低的阅读率令中国领导人不安。
Many of us can point to former bosses and corporate heads who inspired us to become more well-read, better at communication, or more engaged because of their shining examples. 大多数人可能都能举出几个例子,在一些前老板和公司领导人光辉榜样的鼓舞下,你终于变得更博学,更擅长沟通,或者更积极敬业。
And it was not uncommon to hear otherwise well-read men confess to an ignorance of Hawthorne or Melville without embarrassment. 饱学之士也大言不惭地承认,他们尚不知霍桑和梅尔维尔为何许人。诸如此类的事是屡见不鲜的。
And the third thing was that Michael was extremely well-read. 第三件事是迈克尔是个相当博学的人。
I was astonished, too, at the vast extent of his reading. She is a well-read and cultured woman. 我对他的博览群书也颇感惊讶。她是一个博览群书,颇为文雅的女人。
Her natural talent is intelligent, learnedly is well-read, has the black eyebrow coloring jade such talent and the processing realistic business talent. 她天资聪慧、博学宏览,有黛玉那样的才情和处理现实事务的才干。
He was a well-read man. He read many books and gained broad knowledge when he was young, and accomplished much in literature, painting history and painting theory during his life. 他是一位学识渊博的人。少年时博闻强记,学识广博,在文学、画史画论研究等多方面都有很高造诣。
Her brother was immensely companionable, active, intelligent, very well-read. 她的兄弟非常友善、活跃、聪明,而且很博学。
In hours of ease a well-read, charming companion, she was a veritable tower of strength and a refuge in times of tribulation. 在生活安逸的时候,她是一个博学迷人的伙伴;在艰难困苦的时候,她是我们名副其实的靠山和避风港。
He was a well-read man. 他是一位学识渊博的人。
He was well-read in all these schools of thought current at the time. 他对当时各流派的书是读得很多的。
And I can tell you from talking to him that he had a very-especially for someone who was self-taught, as it were, and had his own reading list-he was very well-read. 和他的交谈中,我可以告诉你的是他有个特别对一些人来说很个人的,自学的东西,实际上就是他自己的阅读清单&他非常博学。
The cultured man or the ideal educated man is not necessarily one who is well-read or learned, but one who likes and dislikes the right things. 一个理想的受过教育者,不一定要学富五车,而只须明于鉴别善恶;
She is a well-read girl. 她是个博览群书的人。
There are three mistakes in the first few pages, he said, referring to Shaw's excursion into marginal productivity theory in which he thought he could instruct his less well-read fellow Fabians. 他说道:开头几页有三处错误。他指的是萧伯纳对边际生产率理论的误解。萧伯纳以为,自己能够在这一领域为读书没他多的费边社同僚提供一些指导。
So, what are these well-read people reading? 那么,这些博览群书的人读的是什么呢?
"Shishu" well-read, learning-rich were in ancient times by the distinguished scholar and aspire to is your past life. 饱读诗书,学富五车,在古代被人所尊敬且向往的秀才是你的前世。
But some are well-read columns on celebrities, politics and current events. 但也有一部分是有关于名人、政客以及社会新闻的流行专栏。
Surprised to see some of those names on the most well-read list? 对该名单中一些最博揽群书的城市感到惊奇吗?
We discovered that the young man was quite well-read. 我们发现这个青年书读得很多。
He was born in the scholarly family and well-read. 黄远生出生于书香门第,从小就饱读诗书。