第四部 第二十三章 | 不能承受的生命之轻
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Waiting on customers one day, she came upon the bald-headed man who had attacked her for serving alcohol to a minor. He was telling a dirty joke in a loud voice.
Every day she feared that the engineer would make his appearance and she would be unable to say no. But the days passed, and the fear that he would come merged gradually into the dread that he would not.
A month had gone by, and still the engineer stayed away. Tereza found it inexplicable. Her frustrated desire receded and turned into a troublesome question: Why did he fail to come?
It was a joke she had heard a hundred times before from the drunks in the small town where she had once served beer. Once more, she had the feeling that her mother's world was intruding on her. She curtly interrupted the bald man.
I don't take orders from you, the man responded in a huff. You ought to thank your lucky stars we let you stay here in the bar.
Us, said the man, holding up his glass for another vodka. I won't have any more insults out of you, is that clear?
We? Who do you mean by we?
第四部 第二十三章 | 不能承受的生命之轻
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You shut your mouth this instant! she hissed.
Just remember that prostitution is a criminal offense, he went on, trying to grab hold of the necklace.
Suddenly Karenin jumped up, leaned his front paws on the bar, and began to snarl.
Oh, and by the way, he added, pointing to Tereza's neck, which was wound round with a strand of cheap pearls, where did you get those from? You can't tell me your husband gave them to you. A window washer! He can't afford gifts like that. It's your customers, isn't it? I wonder what you give them in exchange?


