Insurance giant AIG has always enjoyed a special relationship with AIA, its former Asian subsidiary. 保险业巨头美国国际集团(AIG)一直与其前亚洲子公司美国友邦保险(AIA)维持着特殊的关系。
To help repay the Fed, AIG sold most of its stake in AIA. 后来,为了向美联储偿还资金,AIG出售了其在AIA的大部分股权。
Among the companies that could be interested in buying parts or the whole of AIA, which has been one of AIG's cornerstones for over a century, are the UK insurer Prudential and Chinese and European rivals. 可能会对竞购AIA部分或全部资产感兴趣的公司包括英国保险公司保诚保险(Prudential),以及其它中国和欧洲的竞争对手。AIA一个多世纪来一直是AIG的业务基石。
We will of course watch what happens to AIA, he said. 我们当然会关注友邦保险的情况,他表示。
He said he expected AIA to be listed by the end of 2010. 他期望友邦将在2010年底之前上市。
In September this year, AIG sold a further$ 2bn worth of AIA shares in a block trade that attracted a rare premium. 今年9月,AIG又出售了一批价值20亿美元的友邦保险股票,这一大宗交易(blocktrade)卖出了少见的溢价。
The move forms part of an AIA policy to achieve regional brand consistency. 更名行动是友邦保险实现区域品牌一致性政策的一部分。
Shares in AIA were suspended yesterday morning in Hong Kong. 昨日上午友邦保险在香港上市的股票被停牌。
Mr Li said that his insurance watchdog had a favourable view towards AIA assets in Hong Kong and China. 他表示,保监会看好友邦在香港和内地的资产。
Since then, AIA shares have risen more than 60 per cent. 自那以来,友邦保险股价已上涨逾60%。
Mark Tucker, whose appointment as executive chairman and chief executive of AIA was confirmed yesterday, is in the region talking to regulators and potential investors from Singapore, Hong Kong and China. 美国国际集团昨日证实,已任命马克·图克尔(MarkTucker)为友邦保险执行主席兼首席执行官。他正在该地区与来自新加坡、香港及中国内地的监管机构和潜在投资者谈判。
Ed Liddy, AIG chief executive, previously signalled that a listing of AIA would happen in Hong Kong, in the heart of its regional markets, and not in New York where the parent company is based. 美国国际集团首席执行官爱德华李迪(edliddy)此前曾暗示,友邦保险会在其地区性市场的心脏地带香港上市,而不是在母公司总部所在的纽约。
AIA is determined that more than half of its shares be sold in order to ensure that it gains independence from AIG. aia决意要将一半以上的股份公开发售,以确保自己从母公司aig中独立出来。
The company presented to fund managers this month and the listing committee of the Hong Kong stock exchange is preparing to debate the application on March 18. AIA本月向基金经理进行了推介,香港交易所上市委员会准备在3月18日对其进行上市聆讯。
AIG has hired Blackstone and JPMorgan to advise on the divestments, but Mr Wilson revealed that AIA could appoint more investment banking advisers in the coming days. aig已经聘请了百仕通集团(blackstone)和摩根大通(jpmorgan)担任此次资产剥离的顾问,但麦智信透露,aia在未来几天可能会任命更多投行顾问。
Up that share just a little and the impact on AIA would be vast. 若把这个份额再提高一点点,对aia的影响也许是巨大的。
The AIA takeover is an enormous management challenge. 收购友邦是一项巨大的管理挑战。
The presence of strategic investors in AIA would help provide a foundation for the IPO in more challenging markets, bankers said. 银行家们表示,友邦保险引入战略投资者,将有助于为在更具挑战性的市场中进行ipo奠定基础。
We will not be resurrecting the AIA deal and any speculation is misguided and inaccurate, it said. 我们不会重新发起收购友邦保险的交易,任何猜测都是受到了误导,是不准确的,保诚表示。
Private equity firms, sovereign wealth funds and banks – many of which distribute AIA products – are also expected to consider joining the battle. 预计私人股本公司、主权财富基金和银行也会考虑加入竞购战。许多银行销售友邦的产品。
The New York Federal Reserve has$ 16bn of preferred stock in AIA. 纽约联储(NewYorkFederalReserve)拥有价值160亿美元的友邦保险优先股。
UBS, Goldman and AIA declined to comment. 瑞银、高盛和AIA拒绝置评。
The China story that drives the bid for AIA all too suspiciously fits this pattern. 推动收购友邦的中国故事,令人生疑地符合这种模式。
AIA is also a well established ( and cash generative) business. 友邦保险也是一家成熟的(且能够带来现金的)企业。
The biggest event in the sector this year is expected to be the Hong Kong stock market listing of American International Assurance, the regional unit of AIG, the troubled US insurer. 预计今年该行业最大的事件将是友邦保险(AIA)在香港上市。友邦保险是陷入困境的美国保险公司美国国际集团(AIG)的亚洲子公司。
Several large regional funds are known to be interested in taking large stakes in AIA. 据悉,几家大型地区性基金有意大规模参股友邦保险。