The woolly spider monkey is the largest primate in the Americas. 绒毛蛛猴是美洲最大的灵长类动物。
The immigrant colony is frequently nothing more than a transplanted village, for Americas actually has been colonized not by races or by nationalities, but by villages. 移民侨居地往往不过是一个个迁移过来的村落,而美国实际上不是被一些种族和民族而是被一些村落拓殖起来的。
The Americas Business Council held a courage Forum last year. 美国商会(AmericasBusinessCouncil)去年主办了一场勇气论坛。
Middle of the 18th century, the British colonies in the Americas and the United Kingdom have a rift. 18世纪中叶,英国在美洲的殖民地与英国之间已有了裂痕。
Americas focus on global security, free trade and economic fairness is longstanding. 美国对全球安全,自由贸易和经济上公平的关注是长期的。
Its happening in Europe and across the Americas. 这也是欧洲和整个美洲正在发生的事情。
They were flat in the Americas, but down in Europe and Asia. 在美洲的佣金收入与去年同期持平,但在欧洲和亚洲出现下降。
Europeans have triumphed, at last, in the Americas. 欧洲人终于在美洲赢得了胜利。
The1994 Miami Summit of the Americas initiated the process of setting up a free trade area agreement. 1994年南北美洲的迈阿密峰会启动了建立自由贸易区协议这一进程。
Yellow fever is a viral disease, found in tropical regions of Africa and the Americas. 黄热病是一种病毒性疾病,见于非洲和美洲的热带地区。
But it also affects Africa, the eastern Mediterranean and the Americas. 非洲,地中海东部和美洲地区也受到影响。
The virus is endemic in tropical regions of Africa and the Americas. 该病毒在非洲和美洲的热带地区呈地方性流行。
Products exported to the Americas, Europe, Oceania and some Asian countries and regions. 产品出口到美洲、欧洲、大洋州及亚洲的部分国家和地区。
The World Cup match is broadcast in Europe, Asia and the Americas. 世界杯比赛在欧洲、亚洲和美洲进行播送。
American intelligence experts say some members are active in europe, Africa and the americas. 美国情报专家说部分成员在欧洲,非洲和美洲活动。
Primitive pouched mammals found mainly in Australia and the Americas. 主要分布在澳大利亚和美国的原始有袋的哺乳动物。
The membership is concentrated in the Americas and Europe. 该会员主要集中在美洲和欧洲。
Colonists from Europe populated many parts of the Americas. 欧洲的殖民者移居到了美洲的许多地方。
These include Africa, the tow Americas, Asia, Australia and Europe. 它包括非洲,南北美洲,亚洲,澳大利亚和欧洲。
Tropical evergreen subshrubs ( some climbers) to trees of Asia and Australasia to Americas. 在亚洲和澳大利亚到美国的热带的长青的半灌木和乔木。
Genus of shrubs and herbs of tropical and warm Americas. 美洲热带和温带灌木和草本植物的一个属。
What historical accounts explain European exploration of the americas? 有什麽历史性的叙述解释了欧洲人对美洲的探险?
They are mostly found in Europe, Africa and East and West Asia, as well as the Americas. 牛背部没有峰的Tourine牛类,它们通常分布在欧洲、非洲、东亚、西亚、和美洲。
We always have, from the Americas to Europe to Africa to asia. 我们一直存在,从美洲到欧洲、洲、洲。
New markets for our goods stretch from Asia to the Americas. 我们商品的新市场从亚洲延伸到美洲。
The show attracts exhibitors and visitors from across the Americas and around the world. 展会吸引了来自各美洲国家和世界各国的参展商和观众。
Most of these are countries in Europe and the Region of the Americas. 这些主要是在欧洲和美洲地区的国家。
Plague is endemic in many countries in Africa, in the former Soviet Union, the Americas and Asia. 鼠疫在非洲、前苏联、美洲和亚洲的许多国家流行。
The problems are most acute in the Asia-Pacific region and parts of the Americas. 这些问题在亚太地区和美洲的部分地区最为严重。