Check the attributes of the virtual Ethernet adapters with the lsdev – dev entX – attr command to confirm which adapters are which. 用lsdev–deventX–attr命令检查虚拟以太网适配器的属性,确认适配器的映射关系。
Also, I could have written the property declaration code using the attr_accessor method to indicate that a property was both readable and writeable. 另外,还可以使用attraccessor方法编写属性声明代码,指出属性是既可读又可写的。
Examine them with the lspv and lsdev – dev hdiskX – attr commands. 用lspv和lsdev–devhdiskX–attr命令检查这些磁盘。
It is not recommended to set SQL_ATTR_REOPT attribute after statement handle is allocated. 不推荐在分配语句句柄之后设置SQLATTRREOPT属性。
Had we checked the return value after echoing the context into/ proc/ self/ attr/ exec, we would have found that it had failed. 如果在把上下文回传到/proc/self/attr/exec后查看返回值,则将发现它已经失败。
Qp()-> attr ('name ') retrieves the value of an attribute with the name name. qp()->attr('name')检索name属性的值。
Echoing a context into the/ proc/ pid/ attr/ exec file causes SELinux to try transitioning to that context on the next exec. 把上下文回传到/proc/pid/attr/exec文件中,这将导致SELinux在下一次执行时尝试转换到该上下文中。
You'll use attr_accessor to define methods for reading and setting this variable. 您将使用attraccessor来定义用于读取和设置这个变量的方法。
For example, the insertData method is used to set the value of CharacterData nodes, while the value of Attr ( attribute) nodes is set by direct access to a value field. 例如,CharacterData节点的值是通过使用insertData方法来设置的,而Attr(属性)节点的值是通过直接访问value字段设置的。
The PAM module sets the context by writing the context into the file/ proc/$$/ attr/ exec, then executing a shell that is a valid entry type to the new domain. PAM模块设置上下文的方式为:把上下文写入/proc/$$/attr/exec文件,然后执行对于新域具有有效登录类型的shell。
However, not all attributes listed in the attr method reference can be animated. 下列是能够被动作化的属性的一个列表。
Many drivers export information like this into sysfs, and udev allows us to incorporate sysfs-matching into our rules, using the ATTR key with a slightly different syntax. 许多驱动程序会导出这些信息到sysfs,udev允许我们使用ATTR键通过稍捎不同的语法来合并sysfs匹配到自己的规则中。
In addition,. attr() should not be used on plain objects, arrays, the window, or the document. 另外,.attr()不应该用在普通的对象,数组,窗口(window)或文件(document)上。