The amount change of soil animal was associated with the change of the dominant populations of Collimbola and Acarina. 土壤动物的数量变化主要是优势类群弹尾类和蜱螨类的数量消长;
An arachnid of the order acarina, which includes the mites and ticks. 螨,蜱,壁虱蛛形目动物,包括螨和蜱。
Any of various small or minute arachnids of the order Acarina that are often parasitic on animals and plants, infest stored food products, and in some species transmit disease. 蜱螨目的任何一种小的乃至微小的蜘蛛纲动物,通常寄生于动植物体内,也寄生在储藏食物中,有些种还传播疾病。
When soil temperature remains at 29 ℃, the quantity of Acarina reachs the peak. 土壤温度在29℃时,螨类的数量达到高峰值。
A new species of bat mite from western Hubei province, China ( acarina: macronyssidae) 鄂西蝙蝠寄生螨一新种(蜱螨目:巨刺螨科)
NOTES ON FOUR SPECIES OF ERIOPHYID PESTS WOLFBERRY IN CHINA ( Acarina: Erophyoidea) Establishment of Autotetraploid of Lycium barbarum 我国为害枸杞的四种瘿螨记述(螨目:瘿螨总科)枸杞同源四倍体新物种类型的建立
Effects of Temperature and Water Content in soil on the Quantity of Acarina and Collembola 土壤温度和含水量对螨类和弹尾类动物数量的影响
A new species of Amblyomma from Hainan island, china ( acarina: ixodidae) 海南岛花蜱属一新种(蜱螨目:硬蜱科)
Studies on the life-history of aleuroglyphus ovatus troupeau ( acarina, acaridae) 椭圆食粉螨(AleuroglyphusovatusTroupeau,1878)生活史的研究(蜱螨目,粉螨科)
Acarina was significantly related to soil organic phosphorous, available potassium and available nitrogen. 与土壤碱解氮呈显著正相关。
A new genus and two new species of Chigger Mites from Yunnan, China ( acarina: trombiculidae) 云南省恙螨一新属两新种记述(蜱螨目:恙螨科)
Preliminary study on the genus Tetranychus Dufour in China ( acarina: tetranychidae) 中国叶螨属初步报道(蜱螨目:叶螨科)
The dominant groups were nematoda, acarina, and collembola, accounted for 66.10% of the total, and the common groups were of 9 sorts, occupying 27.17% of the total. 常见类群9类,占总捕量的27.17%。
At constant temperature of 17 ℃, when the water content does not change much, the Quantity of Collembola and Acarina presents the ascendant trend. 17℃恒温条件下,含水量变化不大时,弹尾类和螨类数量始终呈现上升趋势。
At two types of ecotone, Acarina and Collembola were different in different seasons and different plots. 两类交错区蜱螨目和弹尾目在不同季节以及在不同样地的分布有较大差异。
The ratio between Acarina and Collembola ( A/ C value) is close to 1, consistent with the universal law of temperate regions. 蜱螨目和弹尾目的比值(A/C值)接近于1,符合温带地区的普遍规律。