They also said the rabbit represented the pressure of finishing the sculpture on time because haas-the word for rabbit in the Dutch-based Afrikaans language-also means haste. 他们还说,这只兔子代表按时完成雕像的压力。因为在以荷兰语为基础的阿非利堪斯语中,haas代表兔子,同时这个单词还有匆忙的意思。
It was there that he urged fellow prisoners to learn Afrikaans, on the theory you could better defeat your enemy if you spoke their language. 在监狱里,他鼓励狱友们学习南非荷兰语。他的理论是,如果会说敌人的语言,便有更大的胜算战胜敌人。
In an early sign of how he would reach across the political and racial divide, Mr. Mandela taught himself Afrikaans and used the language to charm his guards-and elicit more sympathetic treatment. 曼德拉自学了南非白人使用的荷兰语,用这种语言感化他的看守,并获得了更好的待遇,这是显示他将如何跨越政治和种族分歧的早期信号。
Scarcely used in administration, Afrikaans just isn't much use anymore. Even at Stellenbosch University, the Afrikaner Oxford, only about 10 per cent of lectures are now in Afrikaans. 甚至在斯坦陵布什大学(StellenboschUniversity,阿非利卡人的牛津大学(Oxford)),如今也只有大约10%的课程使用阿非利卡语授课。
Writers are an esteemed Afrikaner caste, yet Afrikaans authors ( including the half-Afrikaner J.M. Coetzee) increasingly publish in English. 阿非利卡语作家是一个备受尊重的群体,但他们(包括有着一半阿非利卡血统的J•M•库切(J.M.Coetzee))开始越来越多地用英语发表作品。
Trek was borrowed into English in South Africa, where the word was used by speakers of Afrikaans for a journey by ox wagon. Trek这个词在南非被借入英语,在南非讲南非荷兰语的人用来指用牛车所进行的旅行。
Afrikaans, dutch, english, flemish, and German are the more important languages within the West Germanic grouping. 南非语、荷兰语、英语、法兰德斯语、及德语则属西日耳曼语的几个重要语言。
Afrikaans is an offshoot of dutch. 南非荷兰语是荷兰语的一个分支。
We ran articles in Afrikaans in the paper. 我们在报上刊登用南非荷兰语写的文章。
A white native of Cape Province who is a descendant of Dutch settlers and who speaks Afrikaans. 一个海角省的白种人土著,他是荷兰移民者的后裔并且说南非公用荷兰语。
In fact the word comes from Afrikaans ( via Dutch) and the animal was given the name because of a misidentification. 实际上,这个词来自南非荷兰语(通过荷兰),这种动物是因为误认而得名的。
The difficulty of suddenly switching from Afrikaans to english. 从南非荷兰语突然转为英语所带来的困难。
An Afrikaans couple live in one of the houses opposite. 有一对南非白人夫妇住在对面的一幢房子里。
The 17th century Dutch settlers in South Africa ended up speaking Afrikaans, a substantially different language. 17世纪起在南非定居下来的荷兰人最终说的是南非荷兰语(afrikaan),那是一种与荷兰语完全不同的语言。