Kara and Cliff Petty of Sunrise, Fla., spend at least$ 1,000 a month on day care and babysitters for their children, Aidan, 6, and Landon, 2. 佛罗里达州的卡拉和克里夫·帕蒂每个月要花至少一千美元做,作为他们的两个宝宝&6岁的艾当和2岁的兰登的日常花费和保姆费用。
The next morning I waited until a decent hour to call Aidan and tell him how much I missed him. 隔天早上我等到一个适当时间才打去艾登店里告诉他我有多想他。
Aidan, put on your coat. It's cold out. 穿上外套。外面很冷。
Aidan: don't look now but I'm sure the girl sitting by the cloakroom has been giving me the eye. 艾丹:现在别看,我肯定,坐在衣帽间旁边的那个女孩对我有意思。
Aidan mcrory in this terrible place. 艾登麦克洛利被关进这糟透了的地方。
Later downtown, I decided to crawl into bed with Aidan, but he wasn't in his bed. 晚一些在市中心,我决定爬上艾登的床去,但是他不在自己的床上。
"The chance of there being at least one more jubilee-sized field along the coast between Ghana and Sierra Leone has greatly increased," said Aidan heavey, Tullow chief executive. “在加纳到塞拉利昂之间的近海至少再发现一个朱比利级油田的概率大大增加,”图洛石油公司首席执行官艾丹希维(aidanheavey)说。
The famous Aidan mcrory is in prison. 著名的阿伊达麦克罗伊居然在监狱里。
Aidan turns all his thespian charm on the beautiful Tara. 艾丹竭尽他的演技才能来追求漂亮的塔拉。
Aidan: You see that old man, leaning on his cane? That woman with a child? 看见那个拄着手杖的老人了吗,还有那个带着孩子的女人?
I didn't know about Aidan, but my light was definitely on. 我不知道艾登是怎么想的,不过我的爱情灯信号绝对是亮着的。
Aidan: Of course I do, more than you know. 我当然爱,比你以为的还要爱。
I mean the story with you and aidan. 我的意思是你和艾登的事。
My brother Aidan and I had a lot of Chinese friends heading back this way and we heard the opportunity of Asia calling. 我和弟弟宋龙文(Aidan)有很多中国朋友从加拿大回到中国,我们听到了亚洲机遇的召唤。
I curied up to read aidan's Iast words to me. 我蜷起来阅读艾登最后一封信。