Then at last, on the tenth morning, the shoemaking work was put away, and Dr Alexandre Manette, pale but calm, was his old self again. 最后,在第10天的早晨,做鞋的工作被抛到了一边。亚历山大·马内特医生&脸色苍白却很平静,这时又恢复了他应有的神情。
I, Alexandre Manette, write this in the Bastille in 1767. 我,亚历山大·马内特,在1767年巴士底狱中写下这篇记录。
I, Alexandre Manette, in my pain and sadness, I condemn them in the face of God. 我,亚历山大·马内特在痛苦和悲伤之中,在上帝面前谴责他们。
Alexandre Pato is confident he will settle quickly at AC Milan. 帕托相信自己能够很快的在米兰安顿下来。
Brazilian Alexandre Pato is yet to decide where his future lies. 巴西人亚历山大-帕托还没有决定自己的未来。
His uncle introduced him into literary circles and he started to published plays under the influence of such writers as Victor Hugo and Alexandre Dumas ( fils). 凡尔纳在叔叔的引荐下进入了文学界,在维克多·雨果以及亚历山大·小仲马等作家的影响下开始发表剧本。
When Alexandre Gustave Eiffel completed the design and commenced construction of the tower in Paris which was to bear his name, a lot of loud protests were heard from nearly every quarter. 当亚列山大•古斯塔夫•埃菲尔完成了设计并开始在巴黎建造将以其名字命名的铁塔时,人们听到了几乎来自各方的大声抗议。
And as the French author Alexandre Jardin is now discovering, this is a hard thing to do. 正如法国作家亚历山大查顿(alexandrejardin)如今所认识到的,这件事做起来很难。
The use of Hong Kong-style action provided a justification for revisiting Alexandre Dumas ', much-filmed "Three Musketeers" tale, Hyams says. 许亚姆斯说,使用香港风格的动作给了他重拍《三个火枪手》的理由。
Juventus target Alexandre Pato of Porto Alegre has admitted that he is ready for a move to Europe. 身为尤文引进目标之一的帕托承认他已经做好转会欧洲的准备了。
Alexandre Jardin has just entered this forbidden place. 亚历山大查顿刚刚进入了这片禁地。
Alexandre Pato does resemble me because he likes to play from deep. 亚历山大-帕托真的很像我,因为他喜欢后撤并向前插上。
Based on Alexandre Dumasfils's famous novel, La Traviata is one of the most popular operas in Shanghai. 根据小仲马的同名小说改编。是现今上演率最高的歌剧之一。
Alexandre Dumas Alexandre Dumas was born near Paris in1802. 大仲马1802年,大仲马(即亚历山大·仲马)出生于法国巴黎附近。
That's very simple& it's other people's money. ( Alexandre Dumas, French novelist) 那太简单了&叫别人掏钱包。
When Alexandre Mouradian, a top London trader at the French-owned tradition Securities& futures, took his employer to court for allegedly failing to pay his full bonus, he provided a peek into the opaque world of investment banking pay. 当法国traditionsecurities&futures公司驻伦敦头牌交易员亚历山大穆拉迪安(alexandremouradian)将自己的雇主告上法庭,指称公司没有向其支付全额奖金时,我们得以一窥不透明的投资银行薪酬内幕。
Shawn green, Alexandre pouget and Daphne Bavelier, from the University of Rochester, in New York State, set out to find an answer. 纽约州罗切斯特大学的肖恩格林、亚力山大普杰和达芙妮巴夫利尔试图找到答案。
Alexandre Kojeve: Desire Relation in the Dialectic of Master and Slave 柯热夫:主奴辩证法中的欲望关系
Between Similarity and Unsimilarity& A Comparative Study on Fictions by Jin Yong and Alexandre Dunas 似与不似之间&金庸和大仲马小说的比较研究
"The Lady of the Camellias" is a novel and drama created by the French writer and playwright Alexandre Dumas ( Fils) in the nineteenth century, based on which the Italian opera composer Giuseppe Verdi wrote his work with the name "La Traviata". 《茶花女》是十九世纪法国作家、戏剧家小仲马创作的小说和话剧,意大利歌剧作曲家威尔第据此创作了歌剧。
Alexandre Dumas is one of the best popular historical novelists in France. 大仲马是法国著名的历史通俗小说家。