He will have to demonstrate that his Movement for Democracy is really a force to be reckoned with in Algerian politics. 他得证明他的民主运动在阿尔及利亚政坛确实是一股不可忽视的力量。
Next, the Algerian adventure had begun, and it appeared that this might prove expensive in lives. 其次,阿尔及利亚的冒险已经开始,看来得付出很大的牺牲代价。
Mr. Zemmour, the grandson of Algerian Jews, is fairly apologetic for Vichy France, and argues that people in France should give their children French names. 泽穆尔的祖父辈是阿尔及利亚犹太人,却为维希法国政府辩解,还认为身在法国的人就应该给自己的子女起法国名字。
This dish when I cooked Algerian food, and it immediately jumped to my mind 这道菜,当我阿尔及利亚煮熟的食物,它立即跳下来脑海
Algerian plant formerly burned to obtain calcium carbonate. 尔利亚种植,燃烧掉获碳酸钙。
The ship was formally handed over to the Algerian Government. 这艘轮船正式移交给了阿尔及利亚政府。
It's an obvious refuge for the Gaddafi family as the two countries have a long border and the Algerian government has still not recognised the opposition National Transitional Council. 由于两国的边境线很长,而且阿尔及利亚政府现在还没有认可反对派过渡国民委员会,卡扎菲的家人很明显是避难行为。
The fugitives included the colonel's wife, two of his sons, Hannibal and Muhammad, and his pregnant daughter Aisha, who promptly gave birth in an Algerian hospital. 逃亡者包括卡扎菲的妻子,他的两个儿子,汉尼拔和穆罕默德,以及他怀孕的女儿,艾莎,她在阿尔及利亚的一家医院产下了孩子。
Africa's second metro system has opened-in the Algerian capital, Algiers. 非洲第二条地铁在阿尔及利亚首都阿尔及尔开通。
The Americans retaliated by expelling three Algerian diplomats. 美国驱逐了三名阿尔及利亚大使作为报复。
Their client is more often than not the Algerian state. 他们的客户经常是阿尔及利亚政府。
Cambodia proposed Mohamed Al Bejawi, a former Algerian foreign minister and head of the International Court of Justice in the Hague. 柬埔寨提名的MohamedAlBejawi是阿尔及利亚前外交部长、海牙国际法院的领导。
The law has not been in effect since the Algerian war of independence more than forty years ago. 该法令从四十多年前阿尔及利亚独立战争以来一直没有生效。
Bosnia has proposed another Algerian, Mounir Bouchenaki, 66, director-general of the UNESCO-linked International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property in Italy. 波斯尼亚还提名了另一个阿尔及利亚人66岁的MounirBouchenaki。他和UNESCO有关他是位于意大利的保护和恢复文化遗产国际研究中心的负责人。
The spokesman said that if Colonel Gaddafi had escaped the capital, he could have fled to the Algerian border. 该发言人称,如果卡扎菲上校已经逃离首都的话,他可能已经逃到阿尔及利亚边境。
Panic-stricken, the French and Algerian troops fled in disorder, creating a four-mile gap in the Allied line. 法国和阿尔及利亚军队张皇溃退,同盟军战线出现了四英里长的缺口。
He's parents are of Algerian origin. 他的父母都有阿尔及利亚血统。
She had a boyfriend. a French algerian. 她有一个男朋友,有法国和阿尔及利亚血统。
France has been looking back on the Algerian war. 法国一直在回顾阿尔及利亚战争。
With his personal stake in the outcome or the Algerian revolution, Kennedy followed Algerian developments with special care. 肯尼迪由于个人的命运同阿尔及利亚革命的结局利害相关,就特别注意阿尔及利亚局势的发展。
During the Algerian confusion, some Tunisian soldiers were preparing to shoot their prisoners(" what a story"). 在阿尔及利亚争端中,一些土耳其士兵准备要枪杀他们手中的犯人(多好的一条新闻哪)。
They brought us in a group of400 people to Misrata, saying the city is under attack from Algerian and Egyptian mercenaries and that we have come here to liberate Misrata. 他们带着我们一行400人来到米苏拉塔,说这个城市遭到了阿尔及利亚和埃及雇佣军的进攻,我们来这是解放米苏拉塔的。
ZIEC employs a few Algerian welders, steel drivers or carpenters at 680 dinars a day. 中鼎国际以每天680第纳尔的薪水聘用了一些阿尔及利亚的焊工、抡大锤的人和木匠。
It has so far concentrated on attacking symbols of the Algerian state and foreign workers. 该组织目前主要攻击目标为阿尔及利亚国家象征性地标和外籍工作者。
Algerian officials said the Army decided to storm the gas facility only when it became clear the militants had killed the remaining seven hostages they held and were planning to blow up the site. 阿尔及利亚官员表示,部队是在明确知道武装分子已经杀害了剩余7名人质,并计划炸毁该天然气设施之后,才决定发起猛攻的。
But now, the Algerian foreign ministry has said that Colonel Gaddafi's wife Safia, their daughter Aisha and sons Mohammed and Hannibal have all fled into Algeria. 但是现在,阿尔及利亚外交部表示,卡扎菲上校的妻子Safia,女儿Aisha,儿子Mohammed和Hannibal都已经逃到阿尔及利亚。
The Analysis and Application of "Marston" Effect in Algerian Highway Frame-culvert Design 马斯顿效应在阿尔及利亚高速公路框架涵洞设计中的分析及应用
Tall Algerian evergreen of Atlas mountains with blue-green leaves; widely planted as an ornamental. 阿特拉斯山脉的一种阿尔及利亚常绿高大树种,叶蓝绿色;装饰用。
Here is an opportunity for you to indulge in German ancestry and French Algerian history through these high quality binoculars. 通过这望远镜,一个让你了解德国血统和法国的阿尔及利亚历史的机会。
The wife and three children of fugitive Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi are in Algeria, Algerian officials say. 阿尔及利亚官员称,利比亚流亡领导人卡扎菲的妻子和三个孩子现在已经逃亡至阿尔及利亚。