His abhorrence of racism led him to write The Algiers Motel Incident 对种族主义的憎恨促使他写了《阿尔及尔汽车旅馆事件》一书。
The wreck of a plane that disappeared with 116 people on board on a flight from Burkina Faso to Algiers has been found in Mali, officials say. 官方消息,一架从布基纳法索飞往阿尔及利亚的失踪客机的残骸在马里被发现,机上载有116人。
134. Algiers, Algeria ( 40.9) 134.阿尔及利亚阿尔及尔(40.9)
Algiers Declaration of the Rights of Peoples 各国人民权利阿尔及尔宣言
His mute and illiterate mother, and her extended family, raised her two sons in a small flat in Algiers with neither a lavatory nor running water. 加缪的母亲沉默寡言、目不识丁,她和家人共同抚养两个儿子,住在阿尔及利亚的一套小公寓里,没有厕所也没有自来水。
Africa's second metro system has opened-in the Algerian capital, Algiers. 非洲第二条地铁在阿尔及利亚首都阿尔及尔开通。
The Algiers meeting was in preparation for a larger ministerial conference this November in Bamako, Mali. 阿尔及尔会议为11月在马里首都巴马科举行的一个更大型的部长级会议做了准备。
See the marketplace in old Algiers. 当你看到阿尔及尔的旧市。
Opposite a small shanty town in Algiers, Chinese labourers in hard hats push wheelbarrows of cement and dig holes for fence posts. 在阿尔及利亚首都阿尔及尔附近一个贫穷小镇的对面,中国工人戴着安全帽,有的推着装满水泥的手推车,有的正在挖坑,以便竖起立柱安装围栏。
In the world war ii, Algeria became a major base for the Allied North Africa campaign, and Algiers was the capital of Free France until the liberation of paris. 二次大战中,阿尔及尔曾为北非盟军指挥部所在地,一度为法国临时首都。
An impressive new foreign ministry in Algiers is being built by China State Construction Engineering Corporation, which houses its imported workers in a cavernous dormitory building just across the road. 中国建筑工程总公司(cscec)正在阿尔及尔承建一幢引人瞩目的新外交部大楼,从阿尔及利亚境外引进的工人就住在马路对面巨大的宿舍楼中。
That the young Albert went to the French lyc é e, and then to university in Algiers, was thanks to two inspiring teachers with whom he kept in touch throughout his life; 多亏了两位老师的鼓励,小阿尔贝进了法国的高中,终其一生他都和老师们保持联系,还把获得的诺贝尔奖献给了其中一位老师。
Four Chinese telecoms engineers three men and a woman sip orange juice in a caf on an Algiers 'square, opposite a statue of the 19th-century nationalist leader Emir Abdelkader. 4位中国电信工程师(3男1女)在阿尔及尔广场的一家咖啡店里啜着橘子汁,对面是19世纪民族领导人EmirAbdelkader的雕像。
In another district of Algiers, Abdi Wahab and a group of friends squat next to a wall and grumble about the impact of the housing shortage on their marriage prospects. 在阿尔及尔的另一个区,阿卜迪瓦哈卜(abdiwahab)和一群朋友蹲在墙边,抱怨住房短缺对他们的婚姻的影响。
He was sorry for the soldier who lay dying in Algiers. 他为那位奄奄一息地倒在阿尔及尔的士兵而难过。
He commanded a regiment of cavalry in algiers. 他在阿尔及尔统率了一个骑兵团。
Its capital ( Algiers) was home of the Free France during WWII. 它的首都(阿尔及尔)是法国在二战期间的临时首都。
OPEC agreed Wednesday in Algiers to a record production cut of more than two million barrels a day, or about seven percent. OPEC周三在阿尔及尔达成一致,创纪录地每天减产200万桶以上,相当于7%左右。
Algiers plan of action on the prevention and combating of terrorism in africa; 非洲防止和打击恐怖主义阿尔及尔行动计划;
The statement was timed to coincide with the general's return to algiers. 这个声明是有意安排在将军回到阿尔及尔时才发布的。