Turkish Kurds have been repressed for decades by the Ankara government. 土耳其的库尔德人已经被安卡拉政府压制了几十年。
The whole urban sprawl of Ankara contains over 2.6m people. 安卡拉整个肆意扩展的城区容纳了260多万人口。
Ankara accuses the PKK of using neighboring Northern Iraq as a base to launch strikes against its forces in Turkey. 安卡拉指责库尔德工人党把邻近的伊拉克北部做为基地,向土耳其军队发动袭击。
Ankara and Yerevan have no diplomatic ties but a relationship haunted by the question of whether ethnic Armenians killed by Ottoman Turks during World War One were victims of systematic genocide. 安卡拉和埃里温之间没有外交关系,第一次世界大战期间奥托曼帝国土耳其人杀害的亚美尼亚人是否属于有组织的种族清洗的受害者,这个问题一直笼罩着双方的关系。
But a Turkish diplomatic source said that Ankara is determined not to be drawn into the conflict. 不过土耳其外交消息人士说,安卡拉决心不卷入这场冲突。
I have carried this message from London to Ankara; from Port of Spain to Moscow; from Accra to Cairo; and it is what I will speak about today& because the time has come for the world to move in a new direction. 从伦敦到安卡拉;从西班牙港到莫斯科;从阿克拉到开罗,我已将这个讯息带到各个地方。这也是今天我要谈到的&是时候了,我们的世界应该迈向新的方向了。
Mr. Assad added that he regretted the incident '100%,' in an expansive interview that simultaneously appeared to strike a contrite tone but remain defiant against Ankara's more hawkish stance. 阿萨德还说他对这一事件感到非常遗憾。在采访中,阿萨德即表现出了痛悔之情,但也对土耳其更为强硬的立场持反抗态度。
One recent poll gave his AK party 46 per cent support nationwide – but it is fighting hard to retain the cities of Ankara and Istanbul. 近期的一项民调显示,他的正义与发展党(AKparty)在全国范围内的支持率为46%,但它还需努力保住安卡拉和伊斯坦布尔等城市的选票。
Turkey has also become so close to Tehran and Damascus that it Ankara is being called an ally or strategic partner and a member of the "Resistance Bloc" by Syrian and Iranian officials. 土耳其也变得如此接近德黑兰和大马士革,它被称为安卡拉盟友或战略合作伙伴和官员委员“抵抗集团”由叙利亚和伊朗。
But the Syrian opposition is increasingly looking to Ankara to take a more active role against Damascus. 但是叙利亚反对派越来越指望安卡拉承担更积极的角色对抗大马士革。
Ankara replaces Constantinople as the capital of Turkey. 1923年的今天,安卡拉取代君士坦丁堡成为土耳其的首都。
I had three uncles and their children in Adana, in Kozan my sister and her husband, in Bursa and Ankara uncles, in Kayseri and Izmir classmates. 我有三个叔父和他们的孩子在亚达那,我的姐姐和他的丈夫在科扎恩,叔父在布尔沙和安卡拉,我的同班同学在开塞里和伊士麦。
Members of the international teams, in Van province and ankara, are today working with local experts to plan relevant studies. 在凡省和安卡拉的国际小组成员今天与当地专家共同开展工作,计划有关研究。
He said this was Ankara's final word and that unless the violence ceased, Turkey would break off all dialogue. 他说,这是安卡拉的最后立场,除非停止暴力,否则土耳其将断绝所有对话。
A bomb explodes in one of the busiest commercial centers in Turkey's capital Ankara, killing at least six and wounding dozens more. 在土耳其首都安卡拉一处繁华的商业中心,发生了一起爆炸事件,造成至少6人死亡,几十人受伤。
He also pointed out that there must be an objective and realistic assessment of what Ankara says and what Ankara does. 他还指出,必须有一个什么样安卡拉安卡拉说,什么不客观和现实的评估。
Ankara claims that only a peace settlement between the two communities would ensure the Turkish Cypriot community's share of any natural resources discovered. 安卡拉声称,只有塞浦路斯的希、土两族达成和平解决的协议,才能确保塞浦路斯土耳其族获得任何所发现的自然资源份额。
Ankara is also at the forefront of establishing a regional market and bloc in the Middle East through a broad set of agreements jointly signed between Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. 安卡拉也处在前列叙利亚签署土耳其,约旦,黎巴嫩,建立区域共同市场集团协议在中东通过广泛的一套。
For now though, Ankara has ruled out any direct intervention, preferring to join a growing international tide of sanctions and economic curbs against the Syrian government. 不过现在安卡拉排除了会采取任何直接干预手段,而是倾向于加入要求制裁叙利亚政府并对其进行经济限制的不断壮大的国际潮流。
I asked the operator to get me adana, kozan, bursa, ankara, Kayseri and izmir. 于是我请接线员给我接通了亚达那、科扎恩、布尔沙、安卡拉、开塞里和伊士麦。
Ankara Nuclear Research and Training Centre 安卡拉核研究训练中心
For Nermin Kahraman of the EC Delegation to Turkey in Ankara, collaboration with FAO was key to the victory. 对于欧共体驻土耳其安卡拉的代表NerminKahraman来讲,与粮农组织的合作是成功的关键。
Brazil, which defied the US by helping to broker the deal together with Ankara, hailed the joint declaration as a victory for diplomacy that eliminates the need for more sanctions. 巴西将此次联合声明誉为一场外交胜利,消除了进一步制裁伊朗的必要性。巴西不理会美国方面的压力,与土耳其一起斡旋,帮助达成了上述协议。
Tensions have steadily increased over Jerusalem's refusal to meet Ankara's demands for an apology and compensation to the families of the dead. 由于耶路撒冷拒绝满足安卡拉提出的向死者家属道歉并进行赔偿的要求,两国的紧张关系稳步升温。
Accra, Ankara, Bombay and Calcutta fall into such a category ( Table I). 阿克拉、安卡拉、孟买和加尔各答就属于这一类城市(表1)。
Turkish officials said the decision was made on technical and price grounds, an argument echoed by several analysts who say Ankara is keen to get hold of new technology that the US is reluctant to share. 土耳其官员表示,做出这一决定是考虑到了技术和价格因素,数位分析人士也回应了这一观点。他们表示,土耳其政府急于获取这些美国不愿意分享的新技术。
The talk in Beijing, India and Ankara is about European irrelevance. 目前在中国、印度和土耳其,人们纷纷谈到欧洲已无关紧要。
Tehran and Ankara also signed a MOU on the basis of which the Turkmenistan's gas would be transferred via Iran to Turkey to be piped to Europe. 拉德黑兰和安卡拉还签署了关于在此基础上,土库曼斯坦的天然气将通过伊朗到土耳其,通过管道输送到欧洲的谅解备忘录。