He made an importantly contribution to Annamese development and mutual cultural exchanges. 张辅也对安南的发展及中越之间文化交流做出了重要贡献。
ZhangFu had governed Annam for10 years, conquest, subjugation, garrison were his three aspects in Annamese activity and were this period a main contents of Sino-Viet relation. 张辅在安南前后经营了10年,征战、平乱、镇守是其在安南活动的三个方面,也是这一时期中越关系的主要内容。
Today the Annamese are again at a cross-road. 如今,安南又一次站在了十字路口。
The Yue relatives in Guangdong and GuangXi have paid heavily with their blood to protect the Annamese from foreign aggressors from the French colonialists to the US Imperialists. 为了抵御法国殖民者或者美帝国主义者这些外国侵略者的入侵,在广东和广西的越族人曾经付出了血的代价。
Two small thrones where the old Annamese royalty had sat. 昔日安南王室曾用过的两张不大的御座。