(会导致世界或人类毁灭的)大决战;善恶大决战 Armageddon is a terrible battle or war that some people think will lead to the total destruction of the world or the human race.
It's a solution that Germany dreads but may need to shoulder if the only alternative is financial Armageddon. 德国对此解决方案深恶痛绝,可是,如果唯一的其他选项是金融末日,那德国或许还是得咬牙扛下来。
In the Hollywood movie Armageddon, Bruce Willis attempts to blow up a huge asteroid hurtling towards Earth. 在好莱坞大片《世界末日》里,布鲁斯·威利斯试图炸掉一颗飞向地球的小行星。
He insists the move would not trigger Armageddon, arguing that China is more dependent on the United States than we are on them. 他坚称,将中国列为货币操纵国不会导致世界末日,因为中国对美国的依赖大于美国对中国的依赖。
As the threat of economic Armageddon has faded so too has Mr Brown's lustre. 随着经济大决战的威胁消退,布朗的光芒也随之褪色。
And then the Sword of Frost and Armageddon's Blade clash. 当寒冰之剑和末日之刃相碰撞时。
News broadcasts and websites have started featuring clocks counting down the minutes to financial Armageddon: it is hard to believe that this will lift consumers 'spirits. 金融末日倒计时时钟已开始在新闻节目和网站上亮相:人们很难相信这会有助于振奋消费者的精神。
The Bible calls this day armageddon, the end of all things. 圣经说这是世界末日,万物毁灭。
We already have enough backup funds for something terribly bad ( Armageddon and such not included) and now we must begin to distribute our profit in another way. 我们已经有足够的一些极为恶劣的备份基金(大决战等不包括在内),现在我们必须开始以另一种方式分配的利润。
I remember last year an avalanche of predictions of the coming of Armageddon. Greece certainly could not survive and contagion would pull other weak economies down. 我还记得,去年有关世界末日即将来临的预测铺天盖地:希腊肯定无法存活,危机的蔓延还会把其他弱小经济体拉下水。
Apart from the Armageddon of a sovereign default, two partial escapes exist. 除去主权违约的末日情景外,还有两种部分出路。
This is an Armageddon trade the kind of trade that only makes sense if you believe the world will blow up or J& J will blow itself up, or if you happen to have a late-day margin call. 这是一种末日交易。只有在你认为这个世界将发生大爆炸、或强生公司将炸掉自己或你刚好在尾盘时接到了追加保证金的通知时,发生这种交易才讲得通。
People realised they were pricing in Armageddon last year, and risk aversion has now been reversed, said Bob Doll, chief equity strategist at BlackRock. 贝莱德(BlackRock)首席股票策略师鲍勃多尔(BobDoll)表示:人们意识到去年市场在定价中计入了世界末日般的前景,这种风险厌恶的情绪现在已经逆转。
If politicians were to demand that a clearing house should be so utterly rock solid that it could withstand financial Armageddon, the future members of any clearing platform would have to make massive financial commitments. 如果政治家要求清算所应当绝对的坚如磐石,能够经受住金融末日,那么任何清算平台未来的成员都必须做出可观的财务承诺。
Remember those hysterical forecasts about a world hurtling towards economic Armageddon. 记得那些歇斯底里的、号称世界正疾驶向经济末日的预言吗?
The arms race between the two great powers can lead to Armageddon. 两个超级大国的军备竞赛可能导致一场大战。
JEHOVAH's WITNESSES: No shit happens until Armageddon. 耶和华的证人:直到世界末日,才会有霉运。
Is the US ( and a number of other high-income countries) on the road to fiscal armageddon? 美国(和其它许多高收入国家)是否走在财政大灾难的路上?
"We may be the generation that sees armageddon." “我们这代人有可能见到世界末日。”
Since the second world war, game theorists have pondered strategy, deterrence and Armageddon. 自二战以来,博弈论者一直在思考战略、威慑与大决战(Armageddon)。
Asia had its own regional brush with financial Armageddon a decade ago, when a capital flight wrecked the currencies and economies of most countries, prompting in turn a wholesale tightening of the regulatory environment. 亚洲地区在十年前曾与金融末日擦肩而过,当时,资本外逃重挫了大多数国家的货币和经济,进而引发了监管环境的大规模收紧。
They called the first World War an Armageddon. 他们称第一次世界大战为哈米吉多顿战役。
ARMAGEDDON: Could This Be the Start of World War III? 末日战场:这是第三次世界大战的开端吗?
And if it does, will the world avert financial Armageddon? 如果答案是肯定的,那么世界将会避开金融末日宣判吗?
The recession has helped. But we cannot and, self-evidently, should not rely on economic armageddon. 虽然本次衰退有所帮助,但我们不能显然也不应该依赖于经济浩劫。
If a CCP goes down, you really are looking at financial armageddon. 如果中央结算对手倒闭了,你真的会看到金融末日。
If Armageddon doesn't happen, the stocks are cheap. It's a big if. 如果末日没发生,而股价还很便宜,这个玩笑也太大了。
Absent Armageddon, some population trends are inevitable and therefore potentially profitable as investments. 只要没有世界末日,人口增长的某些趋势是必然的,因此作为投资是潜在有利可图的。
Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon. 那三个鬼魔便叫众王聚集在一处,希伯来话叫哈米吉多顿。
These people expect the coming of Armageddon soon. 这些人希望善恶大决战早日到来。