He took away the Sabbath canopy that had been built at the temple and removed the royal entryway outside the temple of the Lord, in deference to the king of Assyria. 又因亚述王的缘故,将耶和华殿为安息日所盖的廊子和王从外入殿的廊子挪移,围绕耶和华的殿。
Whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance. 因万军之耶和华赐福给他们,说,埃及我的百姓,亚述我手的工作,以色列我的产业,都有福了。
Ahaz sent messengers to say to Tiglath-Pileser king of Assyria,'I am your servant and vassal. 亚哈斯差遣使者去见亚述王提革拉毗列色,说,我是你的仆人,你的儿子。
He rebelled against the king of Assyria and did not serve him. 他背叛,不肯事奉亚述王。
They shall tremble as a bird out of Egypt, and as a dove out of the land of Assyria: and I will place them in their houses, saith the LORD. 他们必如雀鸟从埃及急速而来,又如鸽子从亚述地来到,我必使他们住自己的房屋。这是耶和华说的。
Even Assyria has joined them to lend strength to the descendants of Lot. 亚述也与他们连合。他们作罗得子孙的帮手。
When the Lord has finished all his work against Mount Zion and Jerusalem, he will say,'I will punish the king of Assyria for the willful pride of his heart and the haughty look in his eyes. 主在锡安山,和耶路撒冷,成就他一切工作的时候,主说,我必罚亚述王自大的心,和他高傲眼目的荣耀。
So Hezekiah king of Judah sent this message to the king of Assyria at Lachish:'I have done wrong. 犹大王希西家差人往拉吉去见亚述王,说,我有罪了,求你离开我。
Israel is a scattered sheep; the lions have driven him away: first the king of Assyria hath devoured him; and last this Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon hath broken his bones. 以色列是打散的羊,是被狮子赶出的。首先是亚述王将他吞灭,末后是巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒将他的骨头折断。
Isaiah said to them,'Tell your master,'This is what the Lord says: Do not be afraid of what you have heard-those words with which the underlings of the king of Assyria have blasphemed me. 以赛亚对他们说,要这样对你们的主人说,耶和华如此说,你听见亚述王的仆人亵渎我的话,不要惧怕。
Organisers, seeking direct links to ancient times, found a natural in the sport that had enjoyed popularity across much of the ancient world, from Greece, Assyria and Babylon to India, China and Japan. 组织者在寻找与古代奥运会的直接联系过程中,自然而然地选中了摔跤运动,因为它曾在古代风靡世界大多数地方,从希腊、亚述、巴比伦到印度、中国和日本。
Thus shall ye speak to Hezekiah king of Judah, saying, Let not thy God, in whom thou trustest, deceive thee, saying, Jerusalem shall not be given into the hand of the king of Assyria. 你们对犹大王希西家如此说,不要听你所倚靠的神欺哄你,说,耶路撒冷必不交在亚述王的手中。
This individual was the beginning of the kingdom in Babylonia, and he became the founder of Nineveh and other cities in Assyria. 这个人就是巴比伦尼亚王国的开始统治者,而且他成了亚述中尼尼微和其它城市的创始人。
Beerah his son, whom Tilgathpilneser king of Assyria carried away captive: he was prince of the Reubenites. 巴力的儿子是备拉。这备拉作流便支派的首领,被亚述王提革拉毗尼色掳去。
The history of the kings of Israel and the kings of Judah becomes a history of two little states ground between, first, Syria, then Assyria and then Babylon to the north and Egypt to the south. 以色列几代国玉的历史和犹大国王交错纠缠在一起,演变成一部两个小国家反复磨合的历史,北面一开始是叙利亚,然后是亚述,再接下去是巴比伦,而南面就是埃及。
So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed, and went and returned, and dwelt at nineveh. 亚述王西拿基立就拔营回去,住在尼尼微。
The records of Assyria and Babylon are sparing in comparison. 亚述和巴比伦的纪录比较起来则少得多。
They will rule the land of Assyria with the sword, the land of Nimrod with drawn sword. 他们必用刀剑毁坏亚述地,和宁录地的关口。
The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. 亚述人要进入埃及,埃及人也进入亚述。
No cuneiform document mentions the town during the collapse of either Assyria or Babylonia. 没有楔形文字文件提到在该镇的崩溃,要么亚述或东风。
The dawn is my Assyria; 晨曦是我的亚述古国;
Assyria became the first power to expound the doctrine of blood and iron. 亚述成了鼓吹血与铁的学说的第一个国家。
Of a truth, LORD, the kings of Assyria have destroyed the nations and their lands. 耶和华啊,亚述诸王果然使列国和列国之地变为荒凉。
And the king of Assyria sent rabshakeh from Lachish to Jerusalem unto King Hezekiah with a great army. 亚述王从拉吉差遣拉伯沙基,率领大军,往耶路撒冷到希西家王那里去。
It is true, Yahweh, that the kings of Assyria have laid waste all the countries of the earth. 上主,的确,亚述王曾毁灭了所有的民族和他们的国家。
And at that time Hezekiah had the gold from the doors of the lord's house, and from the door-pillars plated by him, cut off and gave it to the king of assyria. 那时,犹大王希西家将耶和华殿门上的金子,和他自己包在柱上的金子,都刮下来,给了亚述王。
And I will deliver thee and this city out of the hand of the king of assyria: and I will defend this city. 并且我要救你和这城脱离亚述王的手,也要保护这城。
In Hezekiah's case, Sennacherib, king of Assyria was the tool used. 希西家的考验,是来自亚述王西拿基立,他成了撒但的工具。
Now in the fourteenth year of King hezekiah, sennacherib, king of assyria, came up against all the walled towns of Judah and took them. 希西家王十四年、亚述王西拿基立上来攻击犹大的一切坚固城、将城攻取。
It is difficult to discuss the administration of justice in Babylonia and Assyria. 很难确定巴比伦和亚述的司法管辖权。