The act that made him famous was singular, David Auerbach, a former Google and Microsoft engineer, wrote in Slate in June. Snowden himself is not. 他成名的方式很独特,谷歌和微软前工程师大卫?奥尔巴克今年六月在美国杂志《石板》中写道,斯诺登本人并非如此。
Critics have also complained that Jackson, unlike Auerbach, never built a championship team from scratch. 批评家抱怨说,奥尔巴赫从来不为了冠军匆匆忙忙组建球队,而菲尔则如此。
Auerbach's Celtics teams continued their run of success in the1960s, cementing their status as one of the most successful dynasties in all of sports. 在60年代奥尔巴赫率领凯尔特人延续着胜利,他让凯尔特人成为所有体育联盟里面最成功的王朝球队。
It's fitting that he and Auerbach should win one award since Phil is only a little less hated than Red, who lit up his cigars on the bench and did his curmudgeon act with the out-of-town press. 似乎杰克逊和奥尔巴克一人获得一次最佳教练才是比较合适的。何况杰克逊对奥尔巴克还有点心存嫉妒。他讨厌奥尔巴克坐在板凳上点着一支雪茄,做出一些乖戾的动作给对手极大压力。
Also, because the reserve clause in players'contracts prohibited free agency, rosters were much more stable in Auerbach's halycon days. 当然,由球员合同中的保留条款禁止自由转会,奥尔巴赫执教时期的球队花名册非常稳定。
Moreover, in Auerbach's era the league considered refs to be little more than disposable hirelings, who were paid around$ 60 per game. 另外在奥尔巴赫时期联盟裁判执法一场比赛只能得到60美元,甚至比那些一次性雇员还要少。
Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life& Frank Helmut Auerbach, British painter. 音乐能洗掉日常生活中落在灵魂上的灰尘&弗兰克。赫尔姆特。奥尔巴赫,英国画家。
First off, it has to be noted that Jackson and Auerbach coached in vastly different circumstances. 首先需要注意的是,菲尔和奥尔巴赫的执教环境有很大差别。
The accomplishments of both Jackson and Auerbach should therefore be celebrated and cherished on an equal basis. 菲尔和奥尔巴赫所取得的伟大成就需要我们没有任何偏见的去庆祝和珍惜。
Auerbach and Kossoff were pupils of David bomberg. 奥尔巴克和科索夫是戴维邦贝格的高足。
The fact that Auerbach functioned as both coach and general manager enabled him to assemble his rosters to suit his own designs. 有一个事实需要注意的是奥尔巴赫既是教练又是球队总经理,一次他可以按照他的设想来组合他的球员花名册。
And the key to all of Auerbach's championships was his brilliant utilization of Russell's unique talents to revolutionize the game. 而且奥尔巴赫能够拿到九个总冠军的关键就是他非常合理的利用了比尔拉塞尔在防守上的天赋从而变革了整个篮球比赛。
The ability of a coach to motivate his players has also evolved since Auerbach sat in the command seat. 教练鼓动球员的激情的能力也在奥尔巴赫坐在那里指挥比赛后发生着演变。
Because most players of that era were forced to get summer jobs if their teams failed to win championships, Auerbach could easily motivate them with reminders of dire offseason catastrophes. 由于在那个时代大部分拿不到总冠军的球员都要去参加夏季工作,奥尔巴赫能很容易通过回忆赛季后那恐怖的场景来激发球员的斗志。
Auerbach: I don't care if he was6-1. I'd like to see these kids today stop Baylor. 我不关心他(ElginBaylor)是否有6-1,我不认为现在的小子们能阻止他。
So, then, who was the better coach, Jackson or Auerbach? 所以,到底谁才是一个更出色的教练,是菲尔?还是奥尔巴赫?
It has been 90 years 'history since the research articles issued by Auerbach in 1913 sparked the study of city size distribution. 自1913年奥尔巴赫发表的对城市规模分布的研究文章掀起了对城市规模分布的热潮以来,至今已有九十年的历史。