US president Barack Obama, in a speech calling for calm in Ferguson on Aug 18, acknowledged the deep racial divisions that continue to plague not only Ferguson but cities across the US, reported The New York Times. 据《纽约时报》报道,8月19日,美国总统奥巴马发表演讲,呼吁弗格森民众保持冷静,并承认:不仅是弗格森、整个美国都存在巨大的种族差异。
The interpretation by the Supreme Court, which came into force on Aug 13, made it clear that a home purchased before marriage is the personal property of the person who bought it. 这一由最高法院对婚姻法做出的解释于8月13日正式生效,其中明确指出婚前购买房产属于购买者的私人财产。
The Shanghai Food and Drug Administration reported on Aug 2 that the soup is made using a dehydrated broth made with pork bones that is produced by a factory in Tai` an, Shandong province. 8月2号,上海市食品药品监督管理局发布报告称,味千拉面的汤料由山东泰安的一家工厂生产,该汤料由猪骨熬制的高汤经过脱水制成。
US TV host Jay Leno was less than complimentary about Tiger Woods 'performance at the Bridgestone Invitational on Aug 11. 美国脱口秀节目主持人杰雷诺对老虎伍兹在8月11日普利司通邀请赛上的表现不敢恭维。
Trading was suspended on Aug 8. 8月8号,该公司股票交易停牌。
On Aug 1, a photo appeared on the popular Mop social networking website that showed burger buns, some in ripped wrappings, piled in the sun outside a McDonald` s restaurant in Beijing. 8月1号,在人气社交网站&猫扑网上出现了一张照片,照片中,北京的一家麦当劳门口堆放着大量汉堡胚,一部分包装已破损,暴露在太阳下。
As both are from the People` s Liberation Army ( PLA), they chose to tie the knot on China` s Army Day, Aug 1, 2010. 由于双方都是军人,所以他们将婚期定于2010年8月1日建军节这一天。
But there was no rate cut and instead the dollar trimmed gains on subconsensus readings on the Sep NY Fed manufacturing index and Aug industrial production. 但突然降息的希望落空,美联储并不买帐,反而纽约联储9月制造业指数及8月工业生产数据差于预期,令美元指数失去此前所得。
The Sleeping Beauty exhibit runs from Aug 22 to Sept 9. 睡美人展览会从8月22日到9月9日。
A media firestorm has swept across the US since Aug 9 when Michael Brown, an 18-year-old black man, was fatally shot by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. 8月9日,18岁黑人青年迈克尔•布朗在美国密苏里州弗格森市遭一名警察枪击后身亡,事件引发媒体热议。
We thank you for your enquiry of Aug, 23rd for groundnut kernels. 感谢你方8月23日关于花生仁的询盘。
When the German financial services group reports first-half results on the 7 Aug, expect guarded talk on the sale of Dresdner Bank, its retail and investment banking arm. 当这家德国金融服务集团在8月7日公布上半年业绩时,预计会谨慎讨论出售其零售和投资银行子公司德累斯顿银行(DresdnerBank)一事。
Employers believe that the quality of education and skills has declined in the ukunder labour, despite the billions of pounds of extra state funding put into the sector, a survey on the 11 Aug suggests. 8月11日发布的一项调查显示,英国雇主认为,虽然政府额外投入了巨额资金,但工党领导下的英国在教育质量和技能水平方面都出现下降。
Britain's regional cities are more successful at marketing themselves than several other European towns that may have more to offer in terms of assets ranging from tourist attractions to ease of access, according to a study published on the 18 Aug by a branding consultancy. 一家品牌咨询机构8月18日发表的研究显示,英国地区性城市在自身营销方面比其它拥有更多资本的欧洲城市更加成功,这些资本从旅游景点到交通便捷不等。
In Aug 2002, the gallery moved to its current location. 2002年8月亦安画廊迁到了现址。
Travelex, which has operations in six Chinese airports, has up until the 20 Aug only been allowed to serve non-Chinese citizens. 在中国6家机场设有营业网点的通济隆直到8月20日之前,只能为非中国公民提供服务。
Leading AIDS researchers on 3rd Aug made the case for the widespread use of two important HIV drugs to be used preventively in high-risk groups to limit the spread of the infection. 艾滋病研究人员在8月3日发出呼吁,在高危人群预防性地使用两种目前广泛使用的重要艾滋病药物,以限制艾滋病的传染。
Today after a meeting with church, to review the sport camp in Aug ( Postiive and Negative), even the failure I will share. 今天经过与教会开会后,先检讨上次的运动营会的成果(正、负面),失败的也会分享。
He performed again at the Arena of Stars on Aug 22 and 23. 8月22日和23日,他在星云剧场再次演出。
Mr Ye was awarded Star of Start-ups by Tsinghua Science Park in Aug 2002. 2002年8月,叶滨先生被清华科技园评选为首届创业之星。
Tracheal intubation with ventilator was used for respiratory support on Aug 24 Tracheotomy was done on Aug 27. 8月24日应用气管内插管和呼吸机以支持呼吸功能。8月27日行气管切开术。
The second phase of the project will start on Aug, 1st and end on Aug, 7th. 第二期培训班将于8月1日正式开班,8月7日结束。
A Preliminary Study on Some Cultivars of Osmanthus fragrans in East China ( 2001, Aug~ 2003, Oct) 华东地区若干桂花品种的调查研究(2001年8月~2003年10月)
Jaycee Chan, son of kung fu movie star Jackie Chan, was arrested inBeijingon Aug 14 after testing positive for marijuana. 8月14日,功夫巨星成龙之子房祖名因大麻检测呈阳性在北京被逮捕。