We should not even try, as great as the temptation is, because Auschwitz belongs to us, is branded into our history, and& to our benefit! 我们无法摆脱奥斯维辛,我们甚至不应该做此尝试,尽管这种诱惑非常之大。因为奥斯维辛属于我们,它是我们历史中的烙印。
The32-page Vrba-Wetzler report, as it became known, was the first detailed report about Auschwitz to reach the West that the Allies regarded as credible. 这份被称为坲伯-伟兹勒报告书的32页资料集是第一份传到西方战线并取信于同盟国的关于奥斯威辛集中营的细节化报告。
One of these said that the children were to be divided among the transports intended for Auschwitz. 其中一份指示说,要把儿童分开来加入准备运往奥斯威辛的人群之中。
Hundreds of families from villages around the World War II Nazi death camp complex in Auschwitz and Birkenau are still waiting for compensations of property confiscated for the building of the camps. 数百个家庭从农村各地的二战纳粹在奥斯威辛死亡营复杂和比克瑙仍在等待赔偿的财产为营地建设没收。
In1979 he became the first Pope to visit the Nazi Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland, where many of his countrymen ( mostly Polish Jews) had perished during the German Nazi occupation. 1979年,他访问了波兰境内的纳粹奥斯威辛集中营,成为首位访问此地的教宗。
By now, fourteen years after the last batch of prisoners was herded naked into the gas chambers by dogs and guards, the story of Auschwitz has been told a great many times. 十四年前,最后一批囚徒被剥光衣服,在军犬和武装土兵的押送下走进毒气室。从那时起,奥斯维辛的惨状被人们讲过了很多次。
Attempts to exploit Auschwitz are hardly new. 利用奥斯维辛集中营已经不是什么新鲜事了。
There is nothing new to report about Auschwitz. 在奥斯维辛,没有新鲜东西可供报道。
The infamous Arbeit Macht Frei sign at the Auschwitz Nazi death camp in Poland-stolen last month and quickly recovered-has been returned. 波兰奥斯维辛纳粹集中营臭名昭著的“劳动创造自由”标语已经被归还,该标语上月曾遭盗窃但被快速找回。
The "Arbeit macht frei" sign stolen from Auschwitz in southern Poland has been found in the north and five men are being questioned by police. 波兰南部城市奥斯比次失窃的“劳动创造自由”标语在波兰北部被发现,五名嫌疑犯正在接受警方审讯。
The analogy between Auschwitz and Oak Ridge seems forced. 奥斯威辛和橡树岭之间的相似之处似乎是牵强附会的。
Some have already been gassed in Auschwitz, their American citizenship has become a useless mockery. 有些人已经在奥斯威辛给毒气熏死了,他们的美国国籍全成了无济于事的笑柄。
In this case, however, home is Auschwitz and Dad is the new camp commandant, who will be supervising the mass exterminations. 在这种情况下,然而,家庭是奥斯威辛和爸爸是新的集中营司令官,谁是监督大规模灭绝。
She told me how a crust of bread often meant the difference between life and death in Auschwitz and she would beg her neighbors to give her what they didn't want. 亲家母对我讲,当年在奥斯维辛集中营,一片面包皮都能改变一个人的生死。
At Auschwitz the killings were carried out by every method, shooting, hanging, and beating, but mainly in the massive gas chambers. 在奥斯威辛,杀人的方法不一而足:枪杀、绞死、活活打死,但主要是用巨大的毒气室。
He is committed to laboriously assembling all of the facts of the case. Attempts to exploit Auschwitz are hardly new. 他被委托要辛苦地汇集此案的所有事实。利用奥斯维辛集中营已经不是什么新鲜事了。
The Anu resorted to destroying the old, aged, deformed, insane or disruptive in nature by hauling them off to what would appear to be an Auschwitz concentration camp. Anu人采取了摧毁老人、残疾人、神智错乱者或神智分裂者的手段,将他们拖到看来象奥斯威辛集中营的地方。
The best-known destination for dark tourism is the Nazi extermination camp at Auschwitz in Poland. 波兰的纳粹奥斯威辛集中营是最有名的黑色旅游地点。
These sites include Auschwitz and treblinka. 当中的地点包括奥斯威辛和特雷布林卡。
Buchenwald-opened in1937-had no gas chambers as in the Auschwitz death camp, but prisoners were murdered by lethal injections or being shot, or were worked or starved to death. 布痕瓦尔德集中营建于1937年。不像奥斯维辛集中营,布痕瓦尔德并没有毒气室,但囚犯们会被注射毒针处死,或被枪毙,还有的囚犯则因过度劳累或饥饿而死。
The piece links the euro crisis to Auschwitz, warns of German arrogance and says that Germany has turned the single currency into a weapon. 那篇文章将欧元区危机与奥斯维辛集中营(Auschwitz)联系起来,对德国的傲慢提出警告,还说德国已把单一货币变成了一种武器。
These words hung over the gates at auschwitz. 这些词写在奥斯维辛集中营的门口。
Only then did we fully appreciate the full horror of Auschwitz. 到了那里,我们才完全领会到奥斯威辛集中营那彻头彻尾的恐怖。
Jews on Auschwitz; Russians on the siege of Leningrad; Ukrainians on the great famine. 犹太人关注奥斯维辛,俄罗斯人关注列宁格勒围城战,乌克兰人关注那次大饥荒。
Organised visits to Auschwitz have boomed. 对集中营的有组织的参观增长很快。
An Elegy for Life& Auschwitz, Poetry and Savagery 生命的悲悯:奥斯维辛之后不写诗是野蛮的&拙著《生命美学论稿》序言
From the Ghetto to Auschwitz& The Story of a Jewish Boy 那年,我与死神擦肩而过&一个犹太男孩的集中营日记
Sophie's double identity distinguishes her from other survivors in Auschwitz. 苏菲的双重身份使她有别于奥斯维辛集中营的其他幸存者。