Foundry Group and Avalon ventures sold back around$ 22 million and$ 21 million, respectively. 铸造集团和阿瓦隆公司亦分别将2200万美元和2100万美元的股票卖给了Zynga。
The boat took him away to the island of Avalon, the land of heroes. 仙女们将亚瑟王载到阿瓦隆岛,那里是英雄们的修养地。
Early lightweight containers, such as Apache's Avalon, used the service locator strategy to manage dependencies. 早期轻量级容器,比如Apache的Avalon,使用服务定位策略来管理依赖性。
If you already have some of these libraries in your classpath, you may want to use the velocity-???. jar file instead. jar文件包括所有的外部依赖(Jakartacommon-collections、AvalonLogkit和ORO正则表达式库),可以直接使用。如果您的classpath中已经有一些这样的库,您可能希望使用velocity&?
It told of Guinevere, Merlin, the sword Caliburn-later known as Excalibur-and Arthur's final resting place in Avalon. 这份原稿讲述了关于格温娜维尔、梅林和后来称作埃克斯卡利伯的石中剑以及亚瑟王在阿瓦隆最终的安息地。
It specialises in presenting comedy, but does everything from TV production to live performance and even public relations. It commands respect from broadcasters, even though it is known to drive hard bargains. 该公司专擅制作喜剧,但涉足了从电视制作到现场演出的一切业务,连公共关系都没落下。Avalon博得了其他广播公司的敬仰,即使该公司以在谈价格时特别咄咄逼人著称。
By broadening its activities, Avalon has reduced its dependence on any single show or star, while also offering its clients a much richer range of services. Avalon通过扩大业务范围,减少了对单个节目或明星的依赖,同时也为其客户提供了更丰富的服务。
I sing to them, an old Frankie Avalon song, whose words I always butcher. 我唱给他们听,是弗兰基阿瓦隆的一首老歌,他的歌词我总是弄的一团糟。
But then you'll give Avalon unlimited power. 可这样就给了阿瓦隆无边的能力。
He was a researcher in genetics for avalon. 他是阿瓦隆做基因研究的科学家。
His demos included building a calculator application written in Python that uses WPF ( aka Avalon) and integrates with the Speech APIs. 他的演示包括用Python来编写一个计算器程序,里面用到了WPF(即Avalon)和与SpeechAPI的集成。
She's working at avalon's laboratory. 她在阿瓦隆的实验室工作。
He was buried in Avalon, in the south-west of England. 他被埋在英格兰西南方向的阿而隆。
Avalon Organics creates Consciousness in Cosmetics, an awareness of intention, responsibility, efficacy and the value of life. Avalon的有机化妆品中创造意识,一种意图,责任,效能和生命价值的认识。
In a separate statement Toyota said it would recall the US-made Avalon. 在另一项声明中说,丰田公司将召回在美国制造的阿瓦隆。
Toyota launched 19 new and slightly modified models in the North American market, including the Avalon and Prius. 丰田在北美市场推出19款新型和略经改款的车型,包括Avalon和普锐斯(Prius)。
They were avalon's men! 他们是阿瓦隆的手下!
Viking River Cruises and Avalon Waterways are some of the operators which sail the Yangtze. 航海巡线和亚洲龙水路线路由在长江航行的人提供。
Avalon Organics supports sustainable agriculture and relentlessly seeks out organic ingredients. Avalon的有机支持可持续农业和有机成分进行无情的目的。
The idea behind Avalon is that you should not have both code and GUI developed by a single person. 阿瓦隆背后的想法是,你不应该在代码和图形用户界面由一个人开发的。
Avalon always took care of its children. 阿瓦隆对孩子们总是无微不至。
Avalon will change your dreams into nightmares. 阿瓦隆会把你的理想变成噩梦!
Mists of Avalon, cover my heart. 阿法隆的迷雾,请遮蔽我的心魂。
Burial certificate sent by avalon's clinic. 阿瓦隆诊所出具的埋葬证明。
Avalon bus and an example of SOPC system Avalon总线与SOPC系统架构实例
Using it, complex and efficient application server can be easily developed. Avalon是一个适合多种行业的服务框架,应用它可以很容易地开发复杂和高效率的应用服务器。
According to the idea of reusable IP and the technical characteristics of FPGA, we discuss variable universe fuzzy controller IP design based on Avalon bus. 结合可复用IP设计理念和FPGA技术特点,讨论了基于Avalon总线的可变论域模糊控制器IP软核设计。