When the Spanish explorers went to Mexico, they saw the Aztec kings using umbrellas. 当西班牙探险家来到墨西哥,他们看到阿兹特克王使用伞。
The Mayan pyramids and Aztec Sun Calendar both stand testimony to the splendor of your ancient civilization. 玛雅人的金字塔,阿兹特克人的太阳历,见证着贵国古代文明的辉煌。
After all, pre-Aztec and Aztec peoples domesticated the turkey more than a millennium before Columbus reached the New World ( the Aztecs called the bird huehxolotl). 毕竟,在哥伦布到达新世界前,阿兹特克人驯养火鸡(阿兹特克人称火鸡为huehxolotl)已经超过一千年了。
The Aztec king Montezuma mistook them for gods. 阿兹特克王国的国王摩特祖玛误以为他们是神明。
Aztec spearmen are Aztec warriors who have yet to capture an enemy. 阿兹台克战士们只有作战捕获敌军后方可成为矛兵。
Aztec warrior armoured with padded armour, a chimalli shield and armed with a maquahuitl club. 阿兹台克棍兵装备镶甲、墨西哥盾牌和玛喀霍特战棍。
Aztec Ruins National Monument 阿兹特克遗址国家保护地
The ancient Aztec culture has all perished now. 阿兹特克古文化现在已经全部消亡。
For example how is the data factoring in the economic output of the Aztec and Inca empires in South America? 例如,怎么计算阿兹台克和南美洲的印加帝国的经济产出的数据呢?
Only the very wealthy people in Aztec societies could afford to drink chocolate because cacao was so valuable. 在阿之台克社会,只有有钱人才能供应得起喝巧克力饮料,因为巧克力豆很贵。
Old breed of tiny short-coated dog with protruding eyes from Mexico held to antedate Aztec civilization. 来自墨西哥阿兹特克文明的古老品种,毛短而细,眼睛突出。
The serpent or dragon also appears in aztec, chinese, and Native American mythology. 大毒蛇或者龙也出现在阿芝台达,中国和美洲土著神话里。
The Uto-Aztecan language of the Nahuatl. The religion of the Aztec was a bloodthirsty one. 纳瓦特尔语纳瓦特尔人讲的狱他一阿兹特克语阿兹台克人的宗教信仰是一种嗜杀的宗教。
Origination and Context of Terrorism of Shang Kingdom: A Comparison with Terrorism Strategy in Aztec 商王朝恐怖主义策略起源与兴衰背景&同中美洲阿兹特克帝国恐怖主义策略比较分析
Effect of Extracts from Siberian Cocklebur, Aztec marigold, Calamus Against Cabbage Worm 苍耳、万寿菊、菖蒲粗提液对菜青虫的防效试验
A16th-century Aztec mosaic of a double-headed serpent ( pictured above) exemplifies the way cultures have long been connected through the movement of people and ideas. 16世纪阿兹特克人的一幅镶嵌画以双头蛇为图案(如上图),这表明不同文化通过人与思想的交流,早就有了联系。
The latter is an ancient hand weapon that Aztec hunters also used to hurl darts. 后者是古代人徒手操作的武器,阿兹特克猎人也曾用它来投掷飞镖。
The Aztec and Mayans decorated the pyramids and temples with brightly painted sculptural reliefs and large frescoes or mythical animals. 阿兹特克人和玛雅人用涂以鲜亮色彩的浮雕、大幅壁画或神秘动物装饰他们的金字塔和庙宇。
This is the Aztec calendar. 这是阿芝台克人的日历。
Where the title and historical reference are clearly Chinese, Takano's image is a pastiche of an imagined, magical historical journey complete with Aztec warriors, a strange feline and a straw man. 尽管标题和历史参照明显来自中国文化,高野的画面却包括了阿兹特克武士、一只奇特的猫科动物和一个稻草人,以一种大合奏的形式来完成充满想像力的旅程。
What was your inspiration in creating the Aztec Gatehouse? 你创作阿芝台克人的大门的灵感是什么?
I care not for cursed Aztec gold. 我对受诅咒的阿兹特克黄金没用兴趣。
Zocalo Square is the heart of Mexico's ancient Aztec empire. 图尼奇选择的拍摄地&宪法广场,曾经是墨西哥古代的阿兹台克王朝的中心地段。
Aztec spearmen armed with a spear, light armour and shield. 阿兹台克矛兵装备长矛、轻甲和皮盾。
Specialised ranged Aztec troops who wielded javelin-sized arrows which they also used in melee. 阿兹台克巨弩兵使用类似标枪的弩箭,既可远程投掷,亦能近身肉搏。
Despite its beautiful, sunny appearance, the flower remains a symbol of pain and sorrow, closing its petals when the sun is gone, perhaps pining for the Aztec sun. 尽管金盏花有着美丽而明媚的容颜,它却仍是痛苦和悲哀的象征。太阳落山时它就合拢自己的花瓣,也许是在渴求阿兹台克的太阳。
Tube seedlings Propagating for F 1 Hybrid of Aztec Marigold with Large Flower 杂种大花万寿菊试管苗繁殖