French film legend-turned-activist Brigitte Bardot took a swipe at Sarah Palin on Tuesday, saying the US vice presidential candidate was a disgrace to women, AFP reported. 法新社报道,周二,法国著名影星碧姬-芭铎公开指责莎拉-佩林,称这位美国副总统候选人为“女人的耻辱”。
During the1960s Bardot held the image of a free spirit and had many publicized relationships and marriages. 六十年代的芭铎是自由精神的体现者,她公然了很多自己的恋爱婚姻关系。
I think of a recent ski instructor I had in Gstaad, one-time teacher to Brigitte Bardot, who doubles as a pig farmer. 我想起了最近在瑞士格斯塔德(Gstaad)请的一位滑雪教练,这位身兼养猪农场主的教练一度曾指导过碧姬·芭铎(BrigitteBardot)。
His victims have included actress Brigitte Bardot and, yes, Pope John Paul II& and he is considered a skilled mimic. 受骗者中有女影星布日丽特-巴多,甚至还有教皇约翰-保罗二世&他是公认的善于模仿的人。
I know them well and I can assure you that no pitbull, no dog, nor any other animal for that matter is as dangerous as you are," Bardot wrote. " 芭铎写道:“我十分了解它们,而且我敢肯定,无论是斗牛犬、狗还是任何其他动物,都没有你危险。”
In those days Brigitte Bardot was under siege by photographers at cannes. 在那时候,布里吉特巴多在戛纳总被摄影师们包围。
She wrote some great things: I love bardot. 她的文章写的很好我喜欢巴多特。
In the1960s, there were three worldly-known persons from France, namely president Charles de Gaulle, the sex symbol Brigitte Bardot, and the philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. 在1960年代,法国有三位世界知名人物,分别是总统戴高乐将军、女影星「性感小猫」碧姬巴铎,和哲学家沙特。
"She started dressing everybody from Brigitte Bardot, Jane Fonda, Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe," she says." Chanel also dressed Jackie Kennedy. " 她说:“她开始为碧姬·芭杜、简·方达、伊丽莎白·泰勒、玛丽莲·梦露等众多显赫的名人设计服装,甚至肯尼迪夫人。”
With so many hair color changes, though, it seems Lohan has graduated from Bardot to the chameleonic Madonna. 不过随着头发颜色频繁的变换,罗韩似乎要从芭铎转型到百变天后麦当娜了。
There wouldn't be Bardot if no novel. 如果不是写小说,就见不到芭铎。
Brigitte Bardot was the dominant image of womanhood in French cinema during the1960s. 布里吉提巴多是20世纪60年代法国电影中举足轻得的妇女形象。
Of course there can be some legends, as meeting Brigitte bardot. 当然,我总梦想能见到些传奇人物,比如和碧姬芭铎有段故事。