abbr. 基地改组及终止委员会(美国); 基地改组与关闭(Base Realignment And Closure)
In recent years, BRAC has expanded its programs globally and now has operations in Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Tanzania, Uganda, southern Sudan, Liberia and Sierra Leone. 在最近几年中,孟加拉农村发展委员会已将计划向全球扩展,现在还在阿富汗、斯里兰卡、巴基斯坦、坦桑尼亚、乌干达、南部苏丹、利比里亚、塞拉利昂等国家运作。
More direct flights from Miami to the Brac are scheduled and will also help. 布拉克和迈阿密之间会有更多直飞航班,这也将帮助发展布拉克的经济。
Organizations like Bangladesh-based Grameen Bank and BRAC and India's Self Employed Women's Association ( SEWA) have provided financial resources to large numbers of poor people for decades. 像孟加拉的Grameen银行和BRAC以及印度的妇女个体企业协会(SEWA)这样的机构,数十年来为大量的贫困人口提供了金融资源。
BRAC with its partner the MasterCard Foundation provides microfinance loans to young women like Veronica so they may realise their potential and establish their own businesses. 通过与万事达基金合作,孟加拉乡村进步委员会为像维诺妮卡这样的年轻妇女提供小额贷款,帮助他们发掘自己的潜能,创立自己的事业。
Cayman Brac continues to offer great value for money on everything from beachfronts and beach lots to bluff land which includes acreage, inland lots and edge lots with stunning views. 开曼布拉克一直提供高额回报率,无论购买的是海滨地区,海滩地,还是峭壁旁边的地块;是内陆地块,还是风景绝美的边缘地块。
Veronica's business took off after her first loan, and now she's expanding it even further with a second BRAC loan of nearly USD$ 200. 在获得第一次贷款之后,维诺妮卡的事业就开始起飞,而获得200美元的第二次贷款之后,她正在进行进一步扩展。
The BrAC report is very clear. brac报告写的很清楚了。
Cayman Islands: A British-administered island group in the Caribbean Sea northwest of Jamaica, including Grand Cayman, Little Cayman, and Cayman Brac. 开曼群岛:牙买加西北加勒比海中的英属岛屿群,包括大开曼岛、小开曼岛和开曼布莱克岛。
Since securing a microfinance loan from the development organization BRAC, however, her life has changed decidedly for the better. 然而,自从获得了孟加拉乡村进步委员会发展组织提供的小额贷款以来,她的生活得到了翻天覆地的改善。
Faith Hospital in Cayman Brac provides modern surgical and other services. 位于开曼布拉克岛上的信仰医院提供现代手术及其他服务。
The BrAC analysis of the ability to pool carbon by forest in China 中国森林碳汇功能的成本效益分析