We are on the cusp of a new major announcement for the Australian beef industry, Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce told reporters Friday in Tamworth, an agricultural center north of Sydney. 澳大利亚农业部长巴纳比·乔伊斯(BarnabyJoyce)周五在塔姆沃思对记者表示,我们即将宣布一项对澳大利亚牛肉产业相当重要的消息。塔姆沃思位于悉尼以北,是一个农业中心。
Barnaby: Well the only place you can get food around here at this time of day is the "Dog and Duck" across the road. 巴纳比:嗯,现在这个时间,要找东西吃,只有去马路对面那家“狗与鸭”酒店。
But while they have fought wars with each other, it has not been over water, says Barnaby. 但是尽管它们之间进行过战争,却从未就水资源开战过。
Senator Barnaby Joyce will need more than this thin sliver of equity to call off his "keep Australia Australian" campaign. 要让参议员巴纳比乔伊斯(barnabyjoyce)叫停他“把澳大利亚留在澳大利亚人手中”的宣传活动,将需要比这点股份更多的东西。
Neither Egypt, Israel nor Jordan produce enough water for their needs. Barnaby说,埃及、以色列或约旦的水都不够满足它们的需求。
Now, divorced, deserted, flat broke, Barnaby has to find a way to repair his life. 现在,离异、孤单、没钱的巴纳比必须找到修复往日生活的方法。
Barnaby Joyce played this game to the hilt. 巴纳比玩这个游戏乔伊斯的刀柄。
Politicians such as Barnaby Joyce, alarmed by Chinese moves to snap up Australian mining assets, have been quick to make a connection. 巴纳比乔伊斯(BarnabyJoyce)等政治家对中国大举收购澳大利亚矿业资产的举动感到担忧,他们迅速将这二者联系起来。
However, conservative lawmaker Barnaby Joyce says the Hollywood actress should keep out of politics. 但是,保守派议员巴纳比·乔伊斯说,这名好莱坞女星应该置身于政治之外。