James Barron turns in a delightfully camp performance. 詹姆斯·巴伦献上了一段夸张逗笑的表演。
Barron invited her to the races and she agreed, but she caught flu and had to cry off at the last minute. 她接受了巴伦一起去看比赛的邀请,但她感冒了,最后不得不取消约定。
Barron invited her to accompany him to the races 巴伦邀请她陪他参加比赛。
Wall Street initial reaction to the conference was "extremely positive," Barron's Tiernan Ray reports. 华尔街对这次会议的反应“极其积极”,巴伦的TR报道。
China will become a high-speed rail leader in the world after several years of rapid development, Ignacio Barron, the director of High Speed of International Union of Railways ( UIC) said on Wednesday. 国际铁路联盟高速铁路部(UIC)总监伊格纳西奥?巴伦上周三称,中国有望在世界高速铁路建设方面处于领先者地位。
And that was the last we saw of Homer Barron. 这就是我们最后一次看到荷默•伯隆。
And, as we had expected all along, within three days Homer Barron was back in town. 而且,正如我们一直所期待的那样,荷默伯隆又回到镇上来了。
China cannot just be a sales operation. You cannot expect the Chinese to buy hundreds of planes and there be no spin-off for China, Laurence Barron, president of Airbus China, told the Financial Times. 中国不能只是一个销售地点,你不能指望中国人购买数百架飞机而不在中国设厂。空客中国公司总裁博龙(LaurenceBarron)向英国《金融时报》表示。
He leaves not knowing the wheels he has unwittingly set in motion," but it is scary to realize that the die was cast all those years ago," says David Barron. 他不知道那些一次次他不经意间做出的事是出于何种原因。“但是几年前死亡的追踪,同样令汤姆感到十分恐惧。”大卫·布朗说道。
In October, Airbus agreed to open an aircraft assembly line with Chinese partners in Tianjin, a move that has made Airbus "a good corporate citizen", according to Mr Barron. 博龙称,去年10月,空客同意与中国合作伙伴在天津建立一条飞机总装线,此举已使空客成为“优秀的企业公民”。
Visiting Mr. Barron, President of Airbus China A380与2008年北京奥运会空客中国公司新总裁博龙先生访谈
Experience of using Barron ligation to cure 2200 cases of internal hemorrhoid and colorectal polyp 胶圈套扎器治疗内痔和结直肠息肉2200例的经验
Application of purse-string suture and Barron ligation for patients with subtotal thyroidectomy 荷包缝合、胶圈环扎法在甲状腺次全切除术中的应用