I shouted and sent him back to the Barts 'front lawn, but I could feel a rising fear. 我叫喊着把它赶回巴特家门前的草坪上,但是我感到内心里有一种不断增长的恐惧。
At least this scene is far less daring than one episode in which Benedict was spotted leaping from the roof of St Barts hospital in London in front of arch-enemy Professor Moriarty. 不过第三季片场曝光的这一幕,肯定没有第二季结束时的来得大胆,在那幕场景中,康伯巴奇在自己的死敌莫里亚蒂面前,从伦敦城巴塞洛缪医院的屋顶上一跃而下。
It began barking and wouldn't stop. It was the Barts 'bulldog. 它开始狂吠,不肯停下,它是巴特家的斗牛狗。
Dr Hilary Longhurst, consultant immunologist from Barts and the London NHS Trust, said: Unless your hands are truly filthy, the bugs we encounter when biting our nails could boost our immune system. 巴茨及伦敦国家医疗服务系统的顾问免疫学家希拉里-朗赫斯特博士表示:除非你的手实在太脏,否则咬指甲时遇到的各种微生物细菌对免疫系统有好处。
I don't know. doesn't your crowd do aint Barts for christmas? 不清楚,你们一群人不是去了圣巴茨岛了吗?