'The Baskerville lands are worth about one million pounds,' Dr Mortimer said. 巴斯克维尔家族的地产价值大约一百万英镑,摩梯末医生说道。
She turned and went back towards her house, and I walked on to Baskerville Hall. 她转身往回走去,我便继续向巴斯克维尔庄园走去。
'Sir Henry is now head of the Baskerville family?'asked Holmes. 亨利爵士现在是巴斯克维尔家族的主人吗?福尔摩斯问道。
I wished more and more that Holmes could leave London and come to Baskerville Hall. I wrote to him every few days and gave him the details of everything that happened and everyone I met. 我越来越希望福尔摩斯能够从伦敦脱身到巴斯克维尔庄园来。每隔不几天我便给他写封信,详尽地告诉他有关这儿所发生的每件事情以及我所见到的每位人士的情况。
Holmes and I left Baskerville Hall immediately after breakfast and went to the station at Newtown. 我和福尔摩斯在早饭过后马上离开了巴斯克维尔庄园,还去了纽顿的火车站。
I hope you are more successful at Baskerville Hall, but I am not happy about sending you there. 我希望你在巴斯克维尔庄园要顺当些,可是派你去那儿我可真是不放心。
Then he asked Dr Mortimer if anyone with a large black beard lived in or near Baskerville Hall. 然后,他问摩梯末医生巴斯克维尔庄园之内或附近住有留着又黑又长的胡子的人。
But Stapleton was living so close to Baskerville Hall and using a false name. 但是,斯台普顿住得离巴斯克维尔庄园那么近,还用着化名。
At the station, the group is met by a pair of gun-toting police officers, on guard for an escaped con, and by a set of Baskerville servants. 在车站,该集团是由一对持枪警察,防范一名逃脱的情况,并通过一系列巴斯克维尔的仆人。
Welcome, Sir henry, to Baskerville hall! 欢迎来到巴斯克维尔庄园,亨利爵士!
If he is away, please return telegram to Sir Henry Baskerville. 如若不在,请寄回亨利·巴斯克维尔爵士。
He probably hoped that when he inherited the Baskerville lands, she would love him again. 他指望在他继承了巴斯克维尔家族的地产时,她就又会爱他了。
At last we reached the gates of Baskerville Hall. 终于到了巴斯克维尔庄园的门口。
He came over to call upon Baskerville on that first day, and the very next morning he took us both to show us the spot where the legend of the wicked Hugo is supposed to have had its origin. 第一天他就来拜访了巴斯克维尔,第二天早晨,他又带领着我们两人去看据说是关于放荡的修果的那段传说的出事地点。
'We must check whether Barrymore is in London or at Baskerville Hall,'said Holmes. “验证一下白瑞摩此时是在伦敦在巴斯克维尔庄园里,”福尔摩斯说道。
As they watched, it tore out Hugo Baskerville's throat. 在他们注视的时侯,它撕扯断了雨果·巴斯克维尔的喉咙。
'These papers were given to me by Sir Charles Baskerville,'said Dr Mortimer. “手稿是查尔斯·巴斯克维尔爵士托付给我的,”摩梯末医生道。
They made the girl go back to Baskerville Hall with them, and locked her in a room upstairs. 他们把她弄回了巴斯克维尔庄园,还把她关在楼上的一个房间里。
Let me, therefore, return to the facts concerning Sir Henry Baskerville. 还是让我回到关于亨利。巴斯克维尔爵士的事情上来吧。
His death caused much excitement in Devonshire, the county where Baskerville Hall is. 他的逝世在德文郡引起了很大的关注,德文郡就是巴斯克维尔庄园的所在地。
Mortimer, and he was told by the latter all details about the arrival of Henry Baskerville. 摩梯末医生后来就详细地告诉了他关于亨利。
I am sure we shall find that he will inherit the Baskerville lands. 我敢肯定,我们将发现他打算继承巴斯克维尔家的地产。
Bernardo, William of Baskerville was right. 博那多,巴斯克维尔的威廉是对的。
He was a son of that Rodger Baskerville, the younger brother of Sir Charles, who fled with a sinister reputation to South America, where he was said to have died unmarried. 巴斯克维尔的儿子。罗杰曾带着极坏的名誉逃到南美洲去,传说他在那里没有结婚就死了。
Young Baskerville stared eagerly out of the window, and cried aloud with delight as he recognized the familiar features of the Devon scenery. 年轻的巴斯克维尔热切地向窗外眺望着,他一认出了德文郡熟悉的风景,就高兴得叫了起来。