Beauchamp glared at her murderously. 比彻姆两眼瞪着她,凶光毕露。
It's not a thing, Beauchamp. It's a human being! 比彻姆,那不是一件东西,是一个人!
One of our first insights was that the beauty industry – in terms of marketing and retail – had not experienced significant innovation for many years, says Ms Beauchamp. 比彻姆表示:我们最初的一大感悟是,美妆行业已经连续多年未曾经历过重大创新了&无论是在市场营销手段还是零售模式方面。
We had three very intense days in walking to boardrooms with prototypes, Ms Beauchamp says. 比彻姆表示:我们度过了非常紧张的三天,带着构思赶赴一个又一个会议室。
'Take your genetics plus your experience, and we are all living in our own sensory world,' Dr. Beauchamp says. 比彻姆博士说,遗传加上阅历,造就了我们每一个人的感官世界。
One of Dr. Beauchamp's colleagues explains that wine flavors are made up of many chemical structures. They arise from materials in the grape, from enzymatic reactions with grape compounds, through alcoholic fermentation and even from the wooden barrels used in the aging process. 比彻姆博士的一位同事解释道,酒的口感由很多化学成份组成,包括葡萄自身的成份、葡萄化合物的?促反应以及酒精发酵的产物,甚至还包括存放过程中木桶里的成份。
We were able to credibly present [ the concept] as a test that we were exploring while in business school to potential partners, Ms Beauchamp says. 比彻姆表示:我们得以向潜在投资者有说服力地阐述我们的商业概念,以此检验我们在商学院就读期间所做探索的结果。
Expanding worldwide is a huge focus right now, says Ms Beauchamp. 比彻姆表示,全球化扩张是该公司目前的关注重点。
As a marketing strategy, the company allows brands to offer sample products rather than paying for expensive print and advertising campaigns, says Ms Beauchamp. 比彻姆指出,Birchbox使品牌能把提供小样作为营销手段,而不是仅仅支付昂贵的印刷以及广告宣传费用。
Taking two years away from the workforce was key in helping the business grow quickly, say the classmates. Being on campus was a huge benefit [ allowing us] to have the time to start something, Ms Beauchamp adds. 两人表示,为期两年的脱产学习对于帮助Birchbox快速成长至关重要。比彻姆补充称:身处校园的这段时间使我们受益良多,我们得以有时间去开创一番自己的事业。
When we talk about flavor, says Dr. Beauchamp, three factors come into play. 比彻姆博士说,谈到口味,就必须要提及三个要素。
For example, 'If you were to give a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil to people in the U.S., many wouldn't like that burning sensation,' says Dr. Beauchamp, who has done studies on this particular condition. 比彻姆博士举例说道,如果你让一个美国人品尝一勺特级初榨橄榄油,多数人都不会喜欢它灼热的口感,他的实验也证实了这一情况。
Rather than starting a business in parallel to their studies, Ms Beauchamp and Ms Barna integrated their beauty business idea into their courses in their last semester. 比彻姆和巴尔纳没有选择成立一个与自己研究方向一致的公司,而是将自己经营化妆品业务的想法融入到了最后一学期的课程学习中。
Thus the terrible secret, which Beauchamp had so generously destroyed, appeared again like an armed phantom; 这个被波尚大度地掩盖起来的可怕的秘密,就这样又象一个张牙舞爪的怪物似的出现了;
The door opened, and Monte cristo, turning round, saw albert, pale and trembling, followed by Beauchamp and chateau-renaud. 门开了,基督山转过头去,他看到阿尔贝脸色苍白,浑身颤抖地走进来,后面跟着波尚和夏多勒诺。
Albert and Beauchamp looked at each other. 阿尔贝和波尚对望了一眼。
Albert took Beauchamp aside, and communicated these ideas to him. 阿尔贝把波尚拉到一边,把这些想法告诉了他。
Beauchamp had meanwhile drawn the box of pistols from the carriage. 同时,波尚从马车里取出装手枪的盒来。
Beauchamp, who had watched with sincere pity the young man's paroxysm of grief, approached him. 波尚怀着深深的同情怜悯注视着这悲痛欲绝的青年,走到他的身边。
Meanwhile, Little Bill is talking to Beauchamp, a writer, and English Bob, a killer in his prison. 同时,小比尔正在和比彻姆,英国人鲍伯两个人交谈,一名是作家,一个是他监狱的杀手。
Beauchamp pulled out his watch. 波尚掏出他的表。
Said beauchamp, placing his eye-glass in his eye, where he tried to make it remain. 波尚说,一面把单眼镜搁到他的眼睛上,竭边想使它不掉下来。
Bowing under the weight of twenty-four years 'reminiscences, he thought not of Albert, of Beauchamp, of Chateau-Renaud, or of any of that group; 在二十四年回忆的重压之下,他没有想到阿尔贝、波尚、夏多·勒诺,或那群人里面的任何一个;
"Well," said beauchamp," let them now say that drama is unnatural!" “噢,”波尚说,“现在谁会说这幕戏演得不自然?”
He bowed to the banker, and went out with beauchamp, without appearing to notice cavalcanti. 他向那位银行家鞠了一躬,和波尚一同向外走,丝毫不在意卡瓦尔康蒂。
The delay demanded by Beauchamp had nearly expired. 波尚要求宽延的时间快到了。
Although professing diametrically opposite principles from those of the editor of the other paper, beauchamp as it sometimes, we may say often, happens was his intimate friend. 波尚的主张虽然与那家报纸的编辑正好相反,可是他们倒是亲密的朋友,这原是常有的事。
Beauchamp availed himself of albert's permission, and left him, promising to call for him at a quarter before eight. 波尚在阿尔贝同意以后就离开了他,答应在七点刻的时候去拜访他。
Debray colored slightly, and followed with his eyes the direction of beauchamp's glance. 德布雷略微红了红脸,顺着波尚所指的方向望去。
Said albert, seeing that Beauchamp hesitated. 阿尔贝说,他看波尚有点犹豫。