The implementation of this function says if the userid beauvoir tries to connect from a remote client that has an IP address that is the same as the IP address of the database server, then block it. 该函数的实现表明,如果用户idbeauvoir试图从一个与数据库服务器有相同IP地址的远程客户机进行连接,那么就阻塞它。
Except for Beauvoir and Sartre, are there any other philosophers and theorists that inspired and influenced your academic work? 除了波伏娃和萨特(Sartre),还有哪些哲学家、理论家对您的女性主义学术工作有着影响和启发?
I read Simone de Beauvoir in the original. 我读西蒙娜德波伏瓦的原著。
What are the intellectual resources you see in the existentialist feminism of Beauvoir which have stimulated your vital new insights in feminist theory? 您是如何利用波伏娃存在主义女性主义的思想资源来激发您的女性主义理论的全新思考?
I think we have a long way to go before we can finish with Beauvoir. 我认为要对波伏娃进行透彻的研究,还有一段很长的路要走。
So Beauvoir approaches'the philosophical through the personal ', to quote Cavell? 许:所以,引述卡维尔的话,波伏娃的方法是“通过个人的达到哲学的”?
Simone de Beauvoir is regarded as the founder of the second wave of feminist movement in the west. 许庆红(以下简称“许”):莫依教授,西蒙•德•波伏娃(SimonedeBeauvoir)被认为是西方女性主义运动第二次浪潮的奠基者。
Beauvoir's utopian ideal is the reciprocity and comradeship between men and women. 波伏娃的乌托邦理想是男女之间的相互作用和情谊关系。
I started work on Simone de Beauvoir because she is the greatest feminist thinker of the twentieth century. 莫依教授(以下简称“莫”):我开始研究西蒙•德•波伏娃,因为她是二十世纪最伟大的女性主义思想家。
De Beauvoir one is not born a shit, but rather becomes a shit. 西蒙波娃:一个人并非生为大便,而是慢慢变成大便。
If you want to be a feminist intellectual, you have to study Simone de Beauvoir. 如果你想成为一名女性主义学者,就必须研究西蒙•德•波伏娃。
Why live, if living is merely not dying?& Simone de Beauvoir, French female author. 如果活着就是不死,那么何必活着呢?&西蒙尼。波伏娃,法国女作家。
Beauvoir appeals women to seek their fortune in difficulties in "the second sex". 波伏娃在《第二性》中呼吁女性在困境中寻找出路。
Beauvoir is well-known all over the world as a famous existentialist philosopher, ideologist, litterateur, social activist and a spiritual leader of feminism. 波伏娃以存在主义哲学家、思想家、文学家、社会活动家和女权运动精神领袖的多彩人生蜚声世界。
For me, the whole of Beauvoir's life was fascinating. 对我而言,波伏娃的整个生活都令人着迷。
Most people are familiar with the names Plato, Machiavelli, Spinoza, and Simone de Beauvoir, but remain unsure of their significance. 大多数人都熟悉的名字,柏拉图,马基雅维里,斯宾诺莎,波娃,但仍不能确定其意义。
The last part takes up the influence of Beauvoir's far-reaching feminist literary theory to the later ages. 第三部分论述她的女性主义文学理论对后世的深远影响。
Beauvoir pointed out that society reconstructing, woman participating social labour and building subject consciousness can make woman go to the one from the other. 波伏娃指出,女性从他者走向此者,不仅要参与生产劳动,而且要进行社会改造,尤其是要树立女性主体意识。
Jean Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir are two important writers of the existentialism literature. 让一保罗·萨特和西蒙娜·德·波伏瓦是存在主义文学的两位重要作家。
Following Beauvoir's feminist critical theories, the author suggests that it is Thackeray's sympathy for women that provokes him to create a Victorian rebellious woman Becky and her foil Amelia, the Victorian "Angel in the House" in Vanity Fair. 在波伏娃的女性主义批评理论的观照下,文章作者认为正是出于对女性的同情促使萨克雷在其作品中塑造了一个维多利亚时代的叛逆者蓓基这一女性形象以及她的陪衬家中的天使爱米丽亚。
Simone de Beauvoir is a representative personality of the existentialist perspective on women. 西蒙·德·波伏娃是存在主义女性观的代表人物。
If we analyze the characterization of May and Ellen from the perspective of Beauvoir's theory, we may draw a conclusion of Wharton's feminist thoughts. 从波伏瓦的理论来分析亚伦和梅的人物塑造,我们可以看出,华顿也认为女人是人造产物。
On the other hand, Sartre and Beauvoir are both independent thinkers and writers; 然而,萨特和波伏瓦又是非常强调思想独立和精神自由的两位作家,在诸多相似之外,他们的思想及创作又具有明显的个人特色。
Among various kinds of feminisms, I apply Beauvoir's the Second Sex and French Feminism as theoretical basis to analyzing the characterization in The Age of Innocence. 笔者从各种各样的理论中选取了波伏瓦的《第二性》及法国女性主义理论来分析《天真时代》的人物塑造。
They want to be the main body of gender in the pluralistic trend, which proves the Feminism of Simone de Beauvoir. 这些倾向包括:一、在多元化中建构性别主体意识,这部分内容主要用波伏瓦的女性主义观念进行考察;
Well-known feminist writer Beauvoir, with its distinctive novel philosophy of existentialism and original spirit of the connotation of increasingly attracting the eyes of many researchers. 著名的女权主义作家波伏娃,以其小说鲜明的存在主义哲学观和独特的精神内涵日益吸引了众多研究者们的眼光。
Simone de Beauvoir had said: "Women are gradually developed". 波伏娃说:女人是逐渐形成的。
Female doctrine person Simore · de · Beauvoir has a well-known saying "one person is not being born as a female, but becoming a female". She thinks that the woman is not "natural formation", but is to be constructed by society and culture. 女性主义者西蒙·德·波伏娃(Simore·de·Beauvoir)有句经典名言,一个人不是生而为女性,而是经过社会活动磨练成女性的,她认为,女人不是自然形成的,而是被社会和文化建构的。
Beauvoir claims that human being is free and transcendent who should justify his existence, if he gives up his free and transcendent action, then he will fall into being-in-itself which is a moral evil. 波伏瓦认为,人是自由的、超越的存在,只有通过自由的谋划行动才能证成自身,人若放弃自身的超越行动,沦为自在存在,就是一种道德上的恶。
In The Second Sex, Simone de Beauvoir argues that one is not born, but rather becomes, a woman. 西蒙娜·德·波伏娃在其论著《第二性》中提到:女人并不天生是女人,而是变成女人的。