The screening is effectively a repeat of the premiere of S2E1: A Scandal in Belgravia, which premiered on December 7 2011, almost a month before the first television airing on January 1 2012. 《贝尔戈维亚丑闻》首映礼是在2011年12月7日举行的,大约一个月之后,2012年1月1日第二季开始在电视上首播。
The BBC has confirmed that the first episode of the popular detective drama, A Scandal in Belgravia, will be aired January 1, 2012. BBC(英国广播公司)已经证实这部风靡的侦探剧第二季的第一集《贝尔格莱维亚丑闻》会于2012年1月1日播出。
You cannot make more houses on East 69th Street or in Belgravia. 你不能在纽约东69街或伦敦Belgravia区盖更多的房子。