After World War II, Belgium joined NATO and, together with the Netherlands and Luxembourg, formed the Benelux group of nations. 二战后比利时加入了北大西洋公约组织,并和荷兰、卢森堡一起组成Benelux三国经济联盟。
After the war, the Dutch economy prospered again, being a member of the Benelux ( Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) and European Economic Community unions. 战后,荷兰成为比荷卢(比利时、荷兰和卢森堡)和欧洲经济共同体成员,经济再次繁荣。
We therefore are strong representatives of the Benelux community in Beijing and Shanghai. 因此,我们强烈的代表组成的比荷卢经济社会在北京和上海。
Benelux Convention on Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection 关于自然养护和风景保护的比荷卢公约
This is the frame of mind that sees the Benelux countries still holding a bigger share than China of the votes at the IMF; and the Group of Seven leading industrialised nations presuming this weekend that it remains the right forum to redesign the global financial system. 正是在这种思维框架下,比利时、荷兰和卢森堡在IMF的投票权份额仍然多于中国;而七大工业国集团(G7)认为自己依旧是重新设计全球金融体系的最佳人选。
In contrast to Central Europe, Benelux has more oil available, but less coal. 不同于中欧的是,荷比卢有更多的石油,但煤更少。
When the euro was planned in the 1990s many German politicians wanted a currency zone comprising only Germany, the Benelux countries and France. 上世纪90年代,欧元正在拟议之中,许多德国政治家希望欧元区仅由德、法、荷、比、卢五国组成。
Why else would Benelux still have more votes at the IMF than China? 比利时-荷兰-卢森堡联盟在IMF的投票权为何高于中国?
Since then, the original core business of Fortis Benelux banking and insurance business with a listed company has been missed. 从那时起,比荷卢经济联盟的富通银行和保险业最初的核心业务与上市公司业务已经错过了。
One of these organizations is the Benelux Chamber of Commerce. 之一,这些组织是比荷卢商会。