Hail to the new champion Bengali D'Albret. 向新科冠军本·贾利·达阿尔布雷致敬。
It was started on the first day of the Bengali New Year. 该车于孟加拉新年初一首发。
Arabic is spoken in a large number of countries, while Japanese is only spoken in Japan. Nearly half of Bengali speakers live in India. 有很多国家都有阿拉伯语使用者,但是只有日本才有日语使用者,而几乎一半的孟加拉语使用者都住在印度。
But Mr. Valletta and Ms. Bengali dig a bit deeper into these involuntary part-timers, distinguishing between former full-timers whose hours have been cut back and those who have taken part-time jobs because they can't find anything else. 但瓦莱塔和本加利更为深入了考察了这些非自愿的兼职者,将曾经从事全职工作但工作时间被削减的人与找不到别的工作而接受兼职者区分开来。
Many people overlooked the exquisite artistry in ray's story of a rural Bengali family. 很多人都忽略了雷伊在讲述孟加拉一农家故事时的精湛艺术技巧。
I can speak better Bengali also. 我的孟加拉语说得更好。
Visitors can easily navigate from an introduction to Luddism to an exhibition on the wildlife of the Galapagos Islands and then to a virtual Bengali religious festival. 参观者可以看到一个摊位有关反科技潮流的介绍,然后轻易转到一场加拉帕戈斯群岛野生生物的展览,再去参观虚拟的孟加拉宗教庆典。
I was also lucky I knew someone who spoke bengali. 幸运的是我也认识会说孟加拉语的人。
Language: the official language is Bengali. English is also used widely. 语言:官方语言为孟加拉语,英语也通用。
Remember that you have come across a Bengali guy! 记住你遇到的是一个孟加拉人!
Besides, we can also find borrowing in English from a number of other irrelevant languages like Hebrew, Arabic, Bengali, Malay and Chinese etc. 此外,我们还能在英语中发现从大量其它不相关的语言像希伯来语、阿拉伯语、孟加拉语、马来语和汉语等等中借用的词汇。
A great-uncle was the first Bengali to serve in the governor of Bengal's executive council. 一位叔祖父是第一个为孟加拉行政会议长官做事的孟加拉人。
Tagore wrote his most important works in Bengali, but he often translated his poems into English. 泰戈尔的大部分著作是用孟加拉文写作的,也经常把他自己的诗文译成英语。
A member of a people living in Bangladesh and West Bengali ( mainly Hindus). 一个住在孟加拉国和西孟加拉的民族(主要是孟加拉教徒)。
Sen writes: I can be at the same time an Asian, an Indian citizen, a US resident, a British academic, a Bengali with Bangladeshi ancestry, etcetera. 森写道:我可以既是亚洲人,又是印度公民,同时还是美国居民、英国学者、祖籍孟加拉的孟加拉人等等。
There, a shared Bengali identity runs deep, the Muslim population is less prone to religious fundamentalism than that of Pakistan and MS Hasina is regarded as an ally of India. 在那里,人们对孟加拉的认同感非常强烈;与巴基斯坦相比,孟加拉国穆斯林的宗教原教旨主义倾向相对较弱;哈西娜女士则被认为是印度的一个盟友。
Bengali customesrs come to visit ljnc with hold business talk. 孟加拉国客商来我公司考察洽谈业务。
He read the Bengali poets from an early age and began writing poetry himself at the age of eight. 他阅读了大量孟加拉语诗歌,八岁即能诗。
The Bengali and other scripts were also used in their respective regions. 孟加拉语和其他手稿也使用它们各自的宗教。
She grew up in Toronto, is the daughter of a Bengali father and a Polish mother. 她长大后在多伦多,是一个孟加拉的父亲的女儿和一名波兰母亲。
Known as Bard of the Brahmaputra after the river that flows through Assam, he also recorded in Bengali and Hindi, singing the soundtrack for numerous Indian films. 雅鲁藏布江穿过阿萨姆邦,他也被称为“雅鲁藏布江畔的吟游诗人”,他在孟加拉国和北印度都有唱片出版,为无数印度电影演唱插曲。