American planes attacked targets in Benghazi and Tripoli. 美国飞机袭击了班加西和的黎波里的目标。
Chris went to Benghazi in the early days of the Libyan revolution, arriving on a cargo ship. 在利比亚革命初期,克里斯搭乘一艘货轮前往班加西工作。
The attacks on the civilians in Benghazi were attacks on America. 在班加西对平民的袭击就是对美国的袭击。
Rivalry between Benghazi and Tripoli for control of the oil sector persists. 班加西和黎波里在控制石油这一问题上的矛盾持续存在。
Residents say the thugs were ferried into Benghazi's local airport by Afriqiyah airlines from elsewhere in Libya, or from neighbouring countries to the south, such as Chad and Niger. 当地居民说,那群恶棍是乘坐Afriqiyah航空公司的飞机从利比亚各地和南方邻近的乍得和尼日尔等国抵达班加西机场的。
Pandya says another boatload of migrants will leave Benghazi for Misrata next week. 潘迪亚说,另一船移民将在下周离开班加西。
They said they'd been ordered to bomb Benghazi but refused. 战机成员称他们是受命轰炸班加西市,但他们拒绝执行该命令。
Mr Tarhouni was speaking in a rare interview in the rebel-held city of Benghazi. Tarhouni在叛军控制的城市班加西罕见的采访中发表讲话。
There were chaotic scenes when Mustafa Abdul Jalil emerged from the aircraft that had brought him from Benghazi. 当穆斯塔法-阿卜杜勒贾利勒走下从班加西过来的飞机时现场一片混乱。
Britain says it will send a team of military officers to the Libyan rebel stronghold of Benghazi. 英国表示他们将派遣一个军官小组前往利比亚叛军在班加西的据点。
If the enemy broke through to Agedabia, Benghazi and everything west of Tobruk were imperilled. 如果敌人突破阿杰达比亚,那么班加西以及托卜鲁克以西的一切据点便都岌岌可危了。
On Friday, an IOM-chartered ship left the eastern Libyan town of Benghazi for Misrata. 星期五,国际移民组织包租的一艘船只离开利比亚东部城市班加西,前往米苏拉塔。
'He said:'I'm from Benghazi, we just ran away. 他说:我来自班加西,我们刚刚逃过来的。
If Ras Lanuf falls, it brings the frontline closer to the main opposition-held city of Benghazi. 如果拉斯拉努夫失陷,前线将越来越靠近反对派控制的主要城市班加西。
The United Nations Security Council approved the flight ban last week to protect civilians, including those in Benghazi. 联合国安全理事会上周已经批准了飞行禁令为了保护平民,包括那些在Benghazi的。
He was speaking at the airport in Benghazi on his return from a conference on Libya. 他结束了关于利比亚的会议回国之后在班加西机场发表讲话。
Here, you can see a fighter jet that was shot down over Benghazi on Saturday. 在这里,你会看到一架周六时被击落的战斗机。
One source here in Benghazi with close connections to Misrata said all the tribes there were fighting against Colonel Gaddafi's army. 与米苏拉塔有着密切联系的班加西一个消息来源表示,当地所有部落都在抵抗卡扎菲上校的军队。
Posters of the confident, neatly uniformed general smilingly greet motorists on several of Benghazi's main streets. 海报上还显示着他身着整洁制服,在班加西的主要街道上自信地向向来往的车辆挥手致意。
The Russian official said he was sending aides to Benghazi to forge contacts with the opposition. 他说,他已经派助手前往班加西,与反对派建立联系。
He could soon be in a position to strike at Benghazi, the rebels 'chief stronghold. 他可能很快就可以进攻反对派的主要据点班加西了。
This was followed in July by another visit to Benghazi by a senior Chinese diplomat. 七月份,中国的一位高级外交官又马不停蹄地前往了班加西。
It housed the many African migrants who were en route to Benghazi or to Europe in search of work. 这里收容了很多前往班加西或欧洲找工作的移民。
The looming invasions of Benghazi and misrata, another big city, may cost the Loyalists heavily in men and materiel, for the defenders have no way of escape. 由于守卫者已经无路可退,因此即将对班加西和另一个大城市米苏拉塔发动的进攻可能将使忠于卡扎菲的军队付出巨大的人员和物资代价。
The first western sorties came after Gaddafi loyalists had bombed and moved into Benghazi, the last main rebel stronghold in eastern Libya. 只是当忠于卡扎菲的部队轰炸并进入了班加西反抗者在利比亚东部的最后一个主要据点之后,西方才发动了首轮突袭。
Libo Li and leading to the Benghazi route was cut off. 通往的黎波利和班加西的航线被掐断。
But even as fighting cuts the rebels off from anti-government forces in the west, rebel officials in Benghazi say they are doing their best to work together. 但是,即使战斗切断了反对派和西部反政府力量的联系,在班加西的反对派官员说,他们正在尽力和西部的反政府力量通力合作。
The fighting between Colonel Gadhafi's forces and rebels raged on in other cities, like Benghazi. 卡扎菲上校的军队和叛乱分子之间的战斗在其他城市也在持续,如班加西。
In spite of recent criticism, the UK was right to seek contact with the Transitional Council in Benghazi. 尽管最近受到了批评,但英国尝试与班加西过渡议会接洽是正确之举。
A few ministers are still in Benghazi but most of us are here. 少数部长还在班加西,但是绝大部分的部长到达了的黎波里。