Berenice had taken a nurse's course. 白丽莱茜参加了一个护士班。
Berenice sat on the side of the bed and began to cry softly to herself. 白丽莱茜坐在他的床边上,开始轻轻地呜咽起来。
Berenice had been an impressionable child. 白丽莱茜本是个敏感的孩子。
The foaming white wake of the liner Berenice had taken a nurse's course. 班轮驶过留下的白沫翻腾的航迹.白丽莱茜参加了一个护士班。
Berenice strove valiantly to retain a serene interest. 白丽莱茜鼓起勇气保持一种冷静的兴趣。
French actress Berenice Marlohe will be this year's Bond-girl alongside returning actor Daniel Craig who is credited with breathing new life into the franchise. 法国女演员贝纳尼丝•玛尔洛奖会是今年的邦女郎,在她旁边的是回归的男演员丹尼尔•克雷格,他被认为是为该系列电影带来新生命。
Before he knew what he was doing he had collapsed on to a small stool that stood beside the bed and burst into tears. Berenice sat on the side of the bed and began to cry softly to herself. 他突然坐在床边的一把小板凳上放声哭了起来。白丽莱茜坐在他的床边上,开始轻轻地呜咽起来。
This may be Berenice because we know that she was a daughter of Antiochus or Seleucus, she was married to one of the Ptolemies. 这可能是贝勒尼基,她是安条克或塞琉古的女儿,嫁给了某个托勒密王。
"If he is so unhappy with her," observed Berenice thoughtfully," why doesn't he leave her?" “假使他同她在一块儿是那么不幸福,”白丽莱茜若有所思地说道,“他为什么不离开她呢?”
He was sick to his soul with this worry over berenice. 他对白丽莱茜的这种焦心真叫他苦死了。
She considered Berenice a little difficult. 她认为白丽莱茜有点难弄。
"Trilogy of Desire" is an important novel of Dreiser which shows us Cowperwood, Lilian, Ai-ling, and Berenice's "American Dream" and the process of its disillusionment. “欲望三部曲”是德莱塞的一部重要长篇小说,他在这部作品中主要表现了柯柏乌、丽莲、爱玲、白丽莱茜四个人对“美国梦”从追求到幻灭的过程。
Berenice wants to enter the upper society through her own efforts, but she fails again and again. 白丽莱茜希望通过自己的努力奋斗进入上流社会,但事与愿违,梦想一次次破灭。