I next saw him at his house in Berkshire 我在伯克郡他的家中再次见到了他。
Crystal Spirit unseated his rider in the Berkshire Hurdle at Newbury 在纽伯里举行的伯克郡障碍赛中“水玉精灵”把骑师掀了下来。
Unlike most firms with separate committees for compensation and Nominating and governance, Berkshire combines the committees into one. 与大多数公司分设薪资、提名和治理委员会的做法不同,伯克希尔将三个委员会合并成了一个。
In the second quarter, Berkshire completed its acquisition of Heinz with a Brazilian private equity firm 3G capital. 第二季度,伯克希尔与巴西私募股权公司3G资本(3GCapital)完成了对亨氏食品公司(Heinz)的收购。
One of those stocks that all the investors thought was undervalued was Berkshire Hathaway. 所有这些投资者都认为,伯克希尔哈撒韦就是这么一只被低估的股票。
The$ 100 a share Berkshire is paying is a31% premium to the railroad's closing price Monday. 伯克希尔哈撒韦对Burlington所开出的每股100美元的价格较其周一收盘价高出了31%。
Proceeds from the sale of a farm were converted into shares of his father's company, Berkshire Hathaway. 这笔财富来自于出售一处农场的收益,并转换成了他父亲的伯克希尔-哈撒韦公司的股份。
Berkshire executives including Mr. Buffett have said they don't get involved in news or editorial decision-making. 包括巴菲特在内的伯克希尔的高管说,他们不会介入到新闻或编辑的决策过程之中。
Warren Buffett, the billionaire founder of Berkshire Hathaway, disclosed on Tuesday that he has stage-one prostate cancer. 亿万富翁、伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(BerkshireHathaway)创始人沃伦巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)周二透露,他患上了前列腺癌,目前处于一期阶段。
For companies owned by Berkshire, it is akin to being private. 对伯克希尔拥有的公司来说,一切类似于私有企业。
Berkshire Hathaway now owns about 70 newspapers, including 30 dailies. 伯克希尔哈撒韦目前拥有约70家报纸,包括30家日报。
It is one of two forms of interest-free leverage used by Berkshire. 这是伯克希尔哈撒韦利用的两种无息杠杆形式中的一种。
Berkshire is a public company but in many respects it operates more like a private enterprise. 伯克希尔是一家上市公司,但其运作的很多方面都更像是一家私有公司。
All told, Berkshire has spent around$ 400 million for its newspaper purchases. 总共算下来,伯克希尔在报业收购交易上花费了约4亿美元。
Instead, he has shared those gains with the public shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway. 现在,他却要和伯克希尔哈撒韦的流通股股东分享这些收益。
Warren Buffett is the present CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. 沃伦-巴菲特是伯克希尔哈撒韦的现任CEO。
By year-end, Berkshire had accumulated a small profit in the stock. 截至去年年底,迪尔公司的股票给伯克希尔带来了薄利。
Buffett and Berkshire did not return a request for comment for this story. 巴菲特和伯克希尔公司未回复对本文置评的请求。
I also think that approximates the correct figure for Berkshire. 我认为这对伯克希尔也是个正确的估计数字。
Charlie and I rely heavily on these measurements when we make our own estimates of Berkshire's value. 当查理和我对伯克希尔的价值进行估计的时候,我们也严重依赖这两个指标。
At the Berkshire annual meeting in 2010, Mr Buffett urged fellow shareholders to follow my tax-dodging example. 在伯克希尔2010年年会上,巴菲特敦促其他股东效仿我的避税做法。
Our directors, therefore, monitor Berkshire's actions and results with keen interest and an owner's eye. 因此我们的董事们会拿切身利益和所有者的眼光来监视伯克希尔的做为与成果。
We are proud to carry the Berkshire Hathaway brand and we understand the obligation. 我们对使用伯克希尔哈撒韦品牌感到自豪,并理解其中的责任。
Mister Buffett, an investor, is chief of Berkshire Hathaway. 投资商巴菲特先生是伯克希尔·哈撒韦的总裁。
His absolute control of Berkshire allows Mr Buffett to act swiftly. 巴菲特对伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的绝对控制,让他得以迅速采取行动。
As berkshire's fame and weight has increased, its returns have shrunk. 随着伯克希尔公司名誉和分量的提升,其回报反而缩水了。
But Berkshire and the China fund do differ in two big ways. 但是,伯克希尔公司和中国基金在两方面大相径庭。