These dramatic photographs were taken by a visitor to the Bern Park, Switzerland, on Sunday when Finn, a European brown bear aged four, suddenly realised the unwanted human guest in his home. 这些悲惨的照片是一位到伯纳公园游玩的游客拍到的。星期天,这只4岁的名叫芬的欧洲棕熊突然发现了这个未受到邀请的客人出现来它的家里。
One dissenting voice is Libya's Geneva lawyer, Charles Poncet, who says he is very happy that Bern and Tripoli have managed to overcome their differences. 不外,一个不同的声音是利比亚在日内瓦的律师庞赛特发表的看法,他说,他对伯尔尼和的黎波里能够努力克服各自面对的挫折感到兴奋。
During coffee, host Bern will open the ball by dancing a Strauss waltz with the youngest girl present. 茶点时间,主持人将与全场最年轻的女孩跳一曲华尔兹作为舞会的开场。
The meeting in Bern will also address the impact of climate change on food production and explore ways to help poor countries adapt to these changes. 伯尔尼的会议还将讨论全球气候变化对粮食产量的影响,同时探讨如何帮助穷国应对这些变化。
From Zurich to Bern and to Davos, I was all the way thinking about what China and Switzerland could do to deepen cooperation and meet the challenges together. 从苏黎世到伯尔尼、达沃斯,一路上我都在思考中瑞如何深化合作、共克时艰。
Bern and his gracious wife and merry daughters made them good cheer. 伯恩和他那位雍容华贵的夫人,还有几个兴高采烈的女儿,款待得大家高高兴兴。
Bern slid one place to ninth but only because of a strong showing from Shanghai, Beijing and Seoul. 瑞士首都伯尔尼下滑一位至第九名,但这完全是因为上海、北京和首尔的表现太过抢眼。
After a little more conversation Caspian and Bern walked down to the coast a little west of the village and there Caspian winded his horn. 再谈了一会儿,凯斯宾和伯恩就走到村子稍北一点的海岸边,凯斯宾当场吹起了号角。
The Bern museum will accept works seized from museums as degenerate art by the Nazis. 伯尔尼艺术博物馆将接受被纳粹作为堕落的艺术从博物馆夺取的这些艺术品。
You must write her about the girl you met in Bern who resemble her. 你一定要写信告诉她你在伯尔尼碰见一个长得象她的姑娘。
The concessions to Switzerland are a sign that Germany and the UK, which led a campaign to require Bern to hand over automatically information about their taxpayers, are giving up on the issue of transparency to gain regular and immediate revenues. 对瑞士方面的让步显示出,德国和英国正放弃透明性要求,以获得稳定而直接的税收收入。德英两国曾采取行动,要求瑞士自动提交本国纳税人的信息。
The Swiss cities of Bern, Geneva and Zurich will also host matches along with Austria's Salzburg, Innsbruck and Klagenfurt. 瑞士的伯尔尼、日内瓦和苏黎士以及奥地利的萨尔茨堡、因斯布鲁克和克拉根福都将承办此次赛事。
First, Bern agreed to a complex mechanism to tax offshore savings of EU citizens held in Switzerland, and transfer the proceeds to the member states. 首先,伯尔尼同意实施一套复杂的机制,对欧盟公民在瑞士持有的离岸储蓄征税,并将税款转给相关成员国。
During Federal Assembly sessions, top politicians walk around Bern without police protection. 在联邦议会召开期间,最高级领导人的出入也没有警察保护。
In later work conducted at the University of Bern in Switzerland, human females were asked to smell T shirts worn by anonymous males and then pick which ones appealed to them. 在后来由瑞士伯尔尼大学进行的工作中,人类女性被要求闻匿名男士的衬衫,然后选出吸引自己的那些。
They may sometimes doubt themselves, but they don't show it, says management consultant Paula Bern. 他们有时可能也会怀疑自己,但他们并不显露出来,管理顾问葆拉・伯恩说。
The appeal of the latter is increasing, from Bern to Beijing. 从(瑞士首都)伯尔尼到北京,后一种选择的吸引力正不断增强。
The meeting in Bern was expected to be tough but manageable. 这场在伯尔尼举行的听证会预期是棘手但可管理的。
"From what we've seen, DNA functions somewhat like its own sunscreen," says Bern Kohler, assistant professor of chemistry. 从我们所见到的来看,DNA的功能有点像它自身的太阳屏障,化学助理教授波恩-科勒说。
In Beijing, as in Bern, it is a question of finding the least awful dysfunction. 无论在北京还是在伯尔尼,问题的关键都是找出最不糟糕的功能失调。
Einstein first worked in the Swiss Patent Office in Bern before writing three scientific papers that changed the understanding of time, space and reality. 在写出三篇科学论文之前,爱因斯坦最初在瑞士专利局工作。这三篇论文改变了对时间、空间和现实的看法。
In 1902 he went to work as a patent office examiner in Bern. 1902年他到伯恩当上了专利局的鉴定员。
On a recent trip to Zurich and Bern hosted by the American Swiss Foundation, I found many Swiss still resentful. 在近期由美国瑞士基金会(americanswissfoundation)主办的一次苏黎世-伯尔尼之旅中,我发现很多瑞士人仍对此愤恨不已。
As for why spouses go along with such agreements, it is because they want to preserve their marriage and their lifestyle, according to Bern Clair, a prominent Manhattan divorce attorney. 至于配偶们为何同意签署这种协议,曼哈顿著名的离婚律师伯恩克莱尔(bernclair)认为,是因为他们想要保住自己的婚姻和生活方式。
Others point to us and UK laws that allow the creation of tax-efficient trusts which are highly restricted in Switzerland and suggest that Bern should retaliate with similar rules. 另一些人将矛头指向美国和英国法律允许建立节税信托基金这在瑞士是严格禁止的,并建议瑞士政府应该以类型的规定进行报复。
They include the capital city of Bern, the largest city, Zurich, and the major cultural, financial and manufacturing centre of Geneva. 包括:瑞士首都伯尔尼、瑞士最大的城市苏黎世、和重要的文化、金融和制造业中心日内瓦。
Especially in his famous Bern Notes about Hegel's philosophy there exists a transformative process from the thinking space of mirror image in otherness to autonomous thinking constitution. 特别是他著名的关于黑格尔哲学研究的“伯尔尼笔记”,其中存在着一个从他性镜像思想空间向自主性思想构境的转变过程。
Do you mean to say that I can open a letter of credit in Renminbi with a bank in London or bern? 您是说我可以在伦敦或伯尔尼的银行开立人民币信用证吗?