n. 不丹(喜马拉雅山东南麓独立小王国,印度保护国,1994年估计人口60万,讲不丹语“宗卡”和尼泊尔语,其中宗卡语为官方语言;首都廷布)
The Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan emphasizes a concept it calls'gross national happiness,'rather than GDP. 喜马拉雅山王国不丹就提出了一个“国民幸福总值”的概念,来取代国内生产总值。
During the1870s, power struggles between the rival valleys of Paro and Trongsa led to civil war in Bhutan. 19世纪70年代期间,敌对的Paro和Trongsa流域间的权力斗争导致了不丹内战。
Bhutan is located in southern Asia, between China and India. 不丹地处南亚,在中国和印度之间。
He became king of Bhutan in 2008 at the age of 28. 2008年28岁的他成为了不丹的国王。
India is investing in hydropower in Nepal and Bhutan. 印度也正在尼泊尔、不丹投资水力发电项目。
The dividends are visible in the quantum leap in relations with Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka. 与尼泊尔,不丹,孟加拉国,斯里兰卡这些国家的关系取得巨大的突破,从这获得的红利是看得见的。
And so to the all-important question: can Bhutan survive in the modern world? 由此,我们遭遇到一个至关重要的问题:不丹能否在现代世界中幸存?
I go to Bhutan and I know what to do for them, to do what is most harmonious. 我去不丹时,知道要为他们做什么,知道做什么是最和谐的。
This pristine impression is partly due to Bhutan's strong commitment to environmental preservation. 这种质朴的印象部分要归功于不丹对环境保护的重视。
This is21 century and Bhutan is a recognised independent country. 这是21世纪,并且不丹是一个公认的独立的国家。
Almost for as long as I could remember, Bhutan had been a dream and a remarkably familiar one. 几乎在我有记忆以来的所有岁月中,不丹就一直是一个梦熟悉得不能再熟悉的一个梦。
Countries as diverse as Bhutan and Brazil, Madagascar and Morocco, have feeding programs for vulnerable groups. 不丹、巴西、马达加斯加、摩洛哥等情况各异的国家都有针对弱势群体的粮食规划。
Bhutan's development of hydropower plants could also impact the environment. 不丹建造水电站也可能影响着环境。
Joint needs assessments have so far been convened in: Bangladesh, Jordan, Lesotho and Papua New Guinea ( 2009); Ghana, Guatemala and Republic of Moldova ( 2010); and Bhutan ( 2011). 迄今为止,在以下国家进行了联合需求评估:孟加拉国、约旦、莱索托和巴布亚新几内亚(2009);加纳、危地马拉和摩尔多瓦共和国(2010);不丹(2011)。
Bhutan is one of the few countries in the world with the capacity to absorb greenhouse gases. 不丹是世界上少数有能力吸收其温室气体的几个国家之一。
They recommend the Hib vaccine for Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. 他们建议为阿富汗、孟加拉国、不丹、巴基斯坦和斯里兰卡的儿童接种Hib疫苗。
I went to Bhutan with my mom. 跟我一起同游不丹的是我母亲。
Representatives from several countries at the conference, including Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Zambia have expressed interest in adopting a similar model. 在这次会议上来自孟加拉国、不丹、尼泊尔和赞比亚等国的代表表达了采用类似模式的兴趣。
Likewise, climate data for Bhutan are not well documented. 与尼泊尔情况类似,不丹的气候资料也没有很好的纪录。
Similar projects are underway in Nepal, India and Bhutan and on the Pacific island of Tonga. 正在尼泊尔、印度和不丹及太平洋岛国汤加实施类似项目。
Bhutan has the same problem. 不丹也有同样的问题。
Bhutan, Botswana and Jordan are low-income countries perceived to be relatively uncorrupt. 不丹、博茨瓦纳和约旦均为低收入国家,但被感知的腐败程度却相对较轻。
And, like the rugged Himalayas, the scientists of Bhutan and Nepal will not buckle. 正如雄伟的喜马拉雅山一样,不丹和尼泊尔的科学家也不会轻言放弃。
Afghanistan, India, Bhutan and Nepal in the southwest and part of the west; 西方的一部和西南方,和阿富汗、印度、不丹、尼泊尔接壤。
One will help Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and India step up enforcement. 一个将帮助不丹、孟加拉、尼泊尔和印度加强实施工作。
The Bengal Tiger or Royal Bengal Tiger is a subspecies of tiger found through the rainforests and grasslands of Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, China, India and Nepal. 皇家孟加拉虎和孟加拉虎的一个亚种虎发现,通过雨林和草原孟加拉国,不丹,缅甸,中国,印度和尼泊尔。
I know China won't like this and will warn Bhutan, but what can they do? 我知道中国不会喜欢,并会警告不丹,但怎么办?
After centuries of self-imposed isolation, in1961, Bhutan opened its doors to the world. 历经了几个世纪的自我封闭之后,在1961年,不丹终于向世界打开了大门。
But Bhutan and Nepal do not have the technical and financial means to study the impact of climate change on their countries. 但是,不丹和尼泊尔缺乏必要的技术和财政手段来研究气候变化对它们国家的影响。
I am one of the lucky few who have been to Bhutan. 我是少数能造访不丹的幸运儿之一。