As the leading TV vendor and one of the most successful cell phone manufacturers, John Biggs over at techcrunch argues that Samsung could be the next apple ( AAPL). 约翰•毕格斯在科技博客网站TechCrunch上撰文指出,作为主要电视厂商以及最为成功的手机制造商之一,三星(Samsung)有可能成为下一个苹果(Apple)。
Joe Biggs was a butcher. 乔•比格斯是个肉店老板。
Billy's sweet words had moved many of the celebrity guests to tears, and Jason Biggs tweeted afterwards: 'Not a dry eye in this place.' 比利甜蜜的语言让在座的很多明星嘉宾都留下了眼泪,杰森比格斯之后还发推说在这里眼睛都没干过。
Robert Biggs, 69, said he was hiking last Monday when a mountain lion grabbed his backpack. 现年69岁的罗伯特·比格斯,周一徒步旅行时,被一头美洲狮抓住背包。
Before that, Biggs said he had seen a mother bear with a pair of cubs. 此前,他刚刚看到一只母熊带着两只幼崽穿过。
Am I alone in thinking that Biggs could be wrong? 认为比格斯可能出错的只有我一个人吗?
I told you I'd make it someday, biggs. 比吉,告诉过你我会成功的。
Captain James Biggs: There are two cop killers out there! 詹姆斯·比格斯队长:有两个杀逝世警察的人在外面!
So Mr Biggs came to help him. 于是贝格斯先生来帮他。
Mrs Biggs is ill and will be unable to take you today. 比格斯夫人病了,今天不能给你们上课了。
Bob Scholes and Oonsie Biggs of South Africa's Council for Scientific and Industrial Research published their'biodiversity intactness index'last week in Nature. 南非科学工业研究院(SouthAfrica'sCouncilforScientificandIndustrialResearch)的鲍勃斯科尔斯(BobScholes)和乌恩斯比格斯(OonsieBiggs)于上周发表了他们的生物多样性完好率指数('biodiversityintactnessindex')。
Next, further discussion about the researches on the learning context and Biggs's learning approach theory is done in the paper. Meanwhile, the authors have introduced Sternberg's theory of mental self-government. 在对学习情境与学习定向的研究和比格斯的学习方式理论进行了梳理之后,又介绍了斯滕伯格的心理自我管理理论。
In response to these existing differences, the author, through interviews, analyzes the factors affecting academic achievements from aspects of individual, environment, and learning style in accordance with Biggs '3P learning model. 针对存在的差异,通过访谈并依照比格斯3P学习模型从学生的个体特征、所处环境、学习方式三方面分析影响学业成就的因素。