Inside the theatre, they were giving a performance of Bizet's Carmen. 在剧院里,他们正在演出比才的作品《卡门》。
Bizet composed an opera called "Carmen". 比塞特创作了一部名叫卡门的歌剧。
The second aims at the musical analysis of the opera "Carmen" by Bizet, mainly according to the order of the opera and attaching the important music scores. 其次为对出诸比才天才手笔的歌剧《卡门》音乐的分析,基本上按幕顺序论述并附重要的谱例;
In this opera, Bizet created one after another lifelike characters, such as, Carmen and Don Jose, the hero and the heroine, Micaela, Matador, etc.. 在这部歌剧中,比才塑造了一个个栩栩如生的人物形象,如:男女主角卡门与唐·何塞,以及米卡埃拉、斗牛士等。
This chapter can divided into four subsections: section 1 is about the introduction to Georges Bizet and the characteristics of his famous opera and makes a serious analysis about creative features of the opera 'Carmen'. 本章分为四部分,第一部分主要是概述比才的生平及其著名歌剧和特点,并认真分析歌剧《卡门》的创作特色。
It conquered the world audience by the strong dramatic conflicts, the unique style of folk music of Spain, rich harmonies and orchestration techniques, the distinctive characterization, and also made Bizet rank among the world famous composers because of an opera but only. 它以强烈的戏剧冲突、独特的西班牙民族音乐风格、丰富的和声和配器手法、鲜明的人物性格塑造征服了全世界的观众,也使比才仅仅因为一部歌剧而跻身世界著名作曲家之列。
As the most remarkable work by Bizet, the opera "Carmen" remains a reputed repertoire in the theatres across the world. 歌剧《卡门》是比才最具代表性的作品,也是世界舞台上久负盛名的保留剧目。
The four chapters of the main body of the paper are specifically as follow: The first chapter introduced the life of Bizet and summarized his music style and characteristics; Second Chapter inquired the opera "Carmen" mainly from four aspects. 文章主体四个章节具体是:第一章主要介绍比才的生平和音乐创作特点;第二章解读歌剧《卡门》,主要从四个方面进行探究。